Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-1999
Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 6e
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Last modified
3/27/2009 3:18:50 PM
Creation date
3/27/2009 3:18:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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1999 NS Contract for Archeological Survey of St. Mary's Road Corridor
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1999
Minutes - 19990504
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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04f09/1999 09:14 9196443002 OR. CTY. PLANNING <br />12 <br />revealed that historic road-bed remnants do exist, usually appearing as a dAAply- <br />eroded, linear clay featur®. This feature "signature" should be visible in historic aerial <br />photographs (e.g., 1930s soli survey) investigated during tha k~aokground research <br />phase of the project. <br />Information on site locations and potential site locations gathered from review of <br />maps, the various state situ files, secondary and primary historic sourca~4, informant <br />interviews, and other kinds of research will be correlated. Pertinent prehistoric and <br />historic landscapes will tae described ss wail as associated ttrarrres, sites, and <br />landscape features. This will form an archaeological context for the St. Mary's <br />Corridor. <br />One additional product of this research will be piacemartt of site locations nn <br />USGS quadrangle maps. These maps and related site attribute information wiii be <br />placed in a compatible digital format for use by Orange County. Mr. Roscoe Reeves <br />has stated that the County weuld provide, at no expense, copies of its relevant digital <br />data files to University of North Carolina at Greensboro Geography students. Student <br />mCmbers of the projoot will help in the analysis of site distributions and map <br />production. <br />Task Three <br />After Correlating the results of Intensive background. research, information <br />gathered from locral landowners and collectors, and initial field reconnaissanoA, a <br />research design for future archaeological investigations will be produced. This <br />research design will be in~rporated as part of the project re~wrt. It will include <br />recommendations for future avenues of histoi~cal research. A scope of work will be <br />included a8 an appendix to the report. This scope of work will include a <br />comprehensive plan for systematic archaeological survey and testing of specific <br />portions of the project area, and recommendations for laboratory analysis and <br />subsequent curatlonal responsibilities. As one of the pre~ervr~tion goals is <br />determination of potential eligibility of future resources for nomination to the National <br />Register of Historic Places, the Criteria for such determinations wql also be explained <br />in a regional context. <br />Products <br />Two main products will result from this study. The first is a professbnal quality <br />report that includes an archaeological context for the St. Mary's Corridor. Prehistoric <br />and historic landscapes will tae described with rolevant themes, site decCriptic,nR, and <br />landscape future descript>ons noted within each cultural period pertinent to tha <br />project area. An annotated bibliography will txf par l of lt~is report, hyping to focus <br />future historical research efforts. Background research and site reconnaissance will <br />be synthesized to create a research design for future archaeological research in the <br />area. A scope of work will ba appended to the report that details field metlx~clc, <br />laboratory methods, and curation8l responsibilities stemming from the overarching <br />research design. ~~ <br />The second product of this study will be a digital map of suspected and <br />confirmed archaeological site and landscape feature locations along the St. Mary's <br />4 <br />
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