Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-1999
Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 6e
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Last modified
3/27/2009 3:18:50 PM
Creation date
3/27/2009 3:18:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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1999 NS Contract for Archeological Survey of St. Mary's Road Corridor
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1999
Minutes - 19990504
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04/09/1999 09:14 9196443002 OR. CTY. PLANNING <br />10 <br />Proposed Archaooloylcat Resouro~ $urvoy <br />St. Mary's Road is a curving two-lane blacktop that gently traverses Piedmont <br />lands. These lands arA primarily torsi-agricultural, although this land-use pattern is <br />changing with increasing residential development occurring in the area. The St. <br />Mary'S cxrridor follows traces of an historic trade routo that ones connected prehistoric <br />and historic inhabitants living in the bounds of present-day South Carolina, North <br />Carolina, and Virginia. This great path was known by many names, such as the <br />`Catawba Path," the '~'radinp Path." the "Virginia Path,' and the "Occaneechi Trail," <br />and later as the "Oxford Road" (e.g., Catawba Regional Planning Council 1975:46; Joy <br />1995:3; Stine y990). <br />A wealth of documentation exists for the study area in terms of historic maps, <br />aerial photographs, primary and secondary documentary historic x3urces, <br />cJaneatogical research results, and regional architectural and archaeological surveys. <br />These data will be the initial focus of the archaeological investigations. <br />Task One <br />During the author's t~ure at the South Carolina Institute of Archaeolc~yy and <br />Anthropology she worked on a similar project for the Charleston County Planning <br />Office (Stine 1992). Using myriad sources she described the prehistoric and historic <br />landscapes in the Cherlo3ton areal, listed and di®cuesed tho known archaeological <br />sites, and developed pertinent themes for future research within each pertinent cukural <br />period. She found that reading general area histories and talking with kacal historians <br />and preservationists gave a good indication of relevant regional themes. Primary <br />documentary research (plats, maps, wills, deeds, memorials, etc.) uncovered changing <br />patterns of land-use, tran3port~rtion routes, and settlement patterning during the <br />historic era. Maps of natural resources, used in tandem with known archaeological <br />Sete locations, also provided data for describing prorJable changing pretristuric land- <br />use in Charleston and environs. Ali sorts of informative histories! maps and other <br />resources were uncovered during the background search phase of the protect from <br />both state and regional repositories. <br />The proposed project personnel (see below) already have a solid background <br />in regional and local history and are familiar with the sources listed in the bibliography <br />of the County's Request for Proposals (Belk 1999). Researchers will silt through <br />primary and secondary sources found in pertinent repositories In Hillsborough, Chapel <br />Hill, Durham, and Raleigh. An AnnotAted bibliography will bQ pr®pared for all <br />examined resources. Inventory files (archeological, anchitectural, cemetery, National <br />Register) located at the Department of Cultural Resources In Raleigh will be lt~ts initial <br />focus of research. In that manner the St. Mary's project wilt be building on previous <br />work Instead of repeating earlier studies. <br />A brief inspection of tiw archaoological site files at the Office of State <br />Archaeology (GSA) in Raleigh revealed that no systematic surveys have been <br />undertaken along this corridor. The one previously rr~rd+~d sits in the vicinity is <br />310R228, consisting of 3 flakes noted on the surface of a plowed field. However a <br />perusal of archaeological site bcations on relevant United States Geologic Survey <br />2 <br />
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