Orange County NC Website
~ ~ <br />. Terms of the Appointment of Laura, l~la~cknaon <br />As ~ran,ge County Manager <br />In consideration of the public service provided to grange County by Ms. Blackmon, pursuant to <br />N.C. Gen. Scat. ~ ~ 53A-92~, Ms. ~31acon will receive the following compensat~an and other <br />consideration: <br />1. An annual salary of $135,DDD.DD, effective Nove~.ber 3D,~2DD~. , <br />~, <br />~. Ms. Blaclanon will be evaluated at least annually with the potential for receiving <br />merit increases plus any bonus as the ward of Co~issianers, in its discretion, deems <br />a ro rime from time to time. For the 2oD~~~D07 fiscal. year, the $oard of Cornnussioners and <br />pP p <br />;Nis. Blackman will together evaluate Nis. Blackmon's peri~rmance in April ~DD7 and in. June <br />X007: <br />3. The same cost of living adjustment as received by fu~.l thne, permanent County <br />employees from time to fiane. . <br />4. A Coon owned vehicle cana ressed natuara~. gas} assigned to :Ms. Blackmon. <br />tY ~ P <br />5. A Caunfiy owned cell phone provided to Ms. Blackmon far County use and far <br />ersonal use the latter onl as rovided fir in a noun vlicy concerning the peisanal use by <br />p ~ Y P tY p <br />County employees of County owned cell phones. <br />~. Vaoatian and leave tine: ~l~ B~'ect~ve November 30, ~00~, paid vacation leave <br />will be accrued at the rate of 14 hours per month. Provided, however, Ms. Blackman may draw <br />an and use unznediately $D hours X10 days} of her first year's paid vacation leave. Banned and <br />unused vacation leave may be accumulated without a maximum until Januaxy 31 of each year: <br />Qn that date, an accuuaulated vacation leave ~ excess of Z~0 hours will convert to sick heave. <br />Y <br />"The maximum. amount of accumulated vacation leave that can be corned forward to February 1 <br />is 2~4D hours. ~~} Effective November 30, 2D0~, paid sick leave will be accrued at the rate of $ <br />