Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 13 30 <br />1997-98 Overtime Costs by Department <br /> <br />D artment/Pro atn 1997-98 Actual <br />Expenditures <br />10410 Board of Commissioners $3,332 <br />10450 Coun Mana er $553 <br />10455 Bud et Office $15 <br />10490 Information S stems $72 <br />10500 Re inter of Deeds $915 <br />10520 Tax Assessor $512 <br />10530 Tax Collector $93 <br />10601 DSS-Administration $17 <br />10603 DSS-Work First $10 <br />10635 Health-Administration $162 <br />10649 Health-Animal Control $7,796 <br />10660 Recreation and Parks $569 <br />10670 A in Administration $17 <br />10671 A ~ -Communi Based Services $119 <br />10685 Oran a Public Trans ortation $4,436 <br />10689 Human Ri hts and Relations $38 <br />10710 Sheriff $45,539 <br />10753 EMS-Telecommunications $21,404 <br />10755 EMS-Emer enc Medical Services $71,397 <br />10810 Public Works-Buildin sand Grounds $38,360 <br />10840 Public Works-Motor Pool $5,170 <br />10850 Public Works-Sanitation $14,694 <br />Grand Total $215,220 <br />5/7/990vertime <br />