Orange County NC Website
29 <br />alleviate overtime and to address urgent operating needs. Participants receive training and <br />experience on the job and, as available, aze considered for permanent full-time openings <br />along with other applicants. Work First participants compete directly within the general <br />applicant pool. <br />Wake County -Wake County has no policy regazding the recruitment, selection or hiring <br />of Work First program participants within the County work force. Work First program <br />participants are required to meet minimum education and experience requirements in order <br />to be referred to hiring departments. There is open competition for all vacancies. <br />3. Possible Employment Strategies <br />If the Board wishes to purse additional strategies beyond the present County handling, <br />possible strategies include: <br />a. Enhancement of Work First Recruitment/Placement Process for Temporarv Positions <br />Such employment allows Work First participants the opportunity to gain additional work <br />experience, training, and the good work record that is essential in becoming a viable <br />candidate for placement in permanent positions. This could include: <br />^ Enhancements to the current "Orange-A-Temp" and other temporary employment <br />processes and/or <br />^ Development of a "Work First Temporary" pool and proactively seeking to place <br />candidates to help meet County employment needs, whether on a paid or volunteer <br />basis to gain employment experience. The Personnel Director and Social Services <br />Director have wished for some time to explore the idea, but have not as yet had the <br />staff time available to do so. <br />b. Designation of "Work First" Positions <br />One option would be to designate certain entry level permanent positions as Work first <br />positions and only open those to other recruitment if they are not filled by Work First. <br />As Personnel receives notices from departments to recruit for permanent position <br />openings and the position is not filled through internal recruitment, Personnel then could <br />set aside entry-level positions for which the County would pursue employment of Work <br />First candidates, prior to initiating any external recruitment. Work First program <br />participants will be the only individuals eligible to apply, be interviewed, or to be hired <br />for positions with this designation until it has been determined that there is no available <br />qualified Work First candidate. <br />4. Nezt Steps <br />As the Board desires, staff would be glad to provide information as well as pros/cons on any <br />of the above alternatives as well as others the Board may wish to suggest for consideration. <br />Personnel will plan on bringing this matter back to the Board for consideration after the <br />budget process, unless the Boazd wishes to provide any other direction at this time. <br />