Orange County NC Website
Listed below is an analysis of 1999 -00 projects included in the CIP for the past two years <br />excluding new school projects. The projects are prioritized based on the four categories <br />previously listed. Funding levels for each year are indicated with a brief explanation of any <br />variance. <br />1998 -08 CIP 1999 -09 CIP <br />Proiect Title Year 1999 -00 Year 1999 -00 Explanation of Variance <br />Brio ' eal h Improvemen <br />ADA Reauirements 25.000 25.000 <br />Athletic Facilities 489,222 785.000_ Addition of field bathrooms <br />Fire/ afetv/Security 152.600 152.600 <br />Ephesus: Muiii Purpose 0 67,305 Safety /accessibility issue <br />Priority 2 — Space to Address Enrollment I,n"reases <br />Mobile Classrooms 0 125.000 Enrollment proiections <br />Planning for Future 100.000 50,000 <br />Priority 3 — Instructional Prog= Enhancements <br />Technology 600,000 750,000 Increase in hardware <br />Culbreth: Gymajibs 0 100,000 Addition of liahtstlab eauip <br />Priority 4 — Planned We Cycle Replacements and Upgrades <br />Phillips: Doors/Labs 12§.000 140,006 Add lab eauipment <br />Project Savings <br />Budget savings have been realized as a result of the construction bid process for the <br />Scroggs Elementary School and East Chapel Hill High School projects. In the 1998 -08 <br />CIP, $1.5 million was reflected in savings and reallocated to other projects. In the 1999 -09 <br />CIP, an, additional $250,000 has been reallocated. Projects that have benefited from the <br />savings are as follows: <br />1998 -08 CIP 1999 -09 CIP <br />Estes Hill Elementary School Renovation <br />$500,000 <br />Glenwood Elementary School Renovation <br />500,000 <br />Phillips Middle School — Roof Project <br />230,000 <br />Technology for District Schools <br />50,000 <br />100,000 <br />Mobile Classrooms <br />125,000 <br />Chapel Hill High School Athletic Facilities <br />70,000 <br />Planning for Future Projects <br />50,000 <br />Phillips Middle School — Doors /Locks <br />50,000 <br />Culbreth Middle School — Lab Equipment <br />25,000 <br />Chapel Hill High School — Doors /Locks <br />50,000 <br />Total Savings Directed to Other Projects <br />$1,500,000 <br />$250,000 <br />