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A ~ 1 4 <br />2. Innovation and Efficiency <br />During discussions of proposed goals for 1999-2000, the Board of Commissioners has indicated its <br />desire to reconstitute the Innovation and Efficiency Committee. In April 1996, that group produced a <br />report with 13 recommendations for potential cost savings and streamlining of organizational structure <br />and operations. That group, or a newly appointed successor committee, would review the results of <br />the 1996 study and identify other opportunities for operational innovation and efficiency, consistent <br />with a new charge to be developed by the Board of Commissioners. <br />The 1996 study involved many hundreds of staff hours to support the I&E Committee in its work. <br />Given that experience, and the County's current heavy workload, it would be important to provide <br />additional resources to ensure that the Committee could complete its charge in a timely and thorough <br />manner. Existing staff would naturally provide technical assistance to the committee as it reviews <br />various departmental operations. However, there would need to be a dedicated entity that would <br />handle the administrative and logistic support, including the necessary organization, coordination, <br />writing, and production of the committee's working materials and final report and presentation. This <br />support function could be provided by: 1) outsourcing; 2) a new position (with this and other <br />responsibilities); or 3) a combination of outsourcing and additional County staff. <br />If the outsourcing approach were chosen, the effort might be similar to that undertaken by the recently <br />engaged Y2K Coordinator. A qualified firm or individual, with extensive experience in organization, <br />coordination, and technical writing, would serve as the principal liaison to the I&E Committee, and <br />keep the project on time and on track. The cost of this effort would depend on the scope of work <br />required to assist the Committee in carrying out its charge. It would be reasonable to expect that the <br />hourly cost of this type of support would run in the range of $75-$150 per hour. <br />Alternatively or in combination with the above, the County could consider adding a new position that <br />would likely be housed in the Personnel Department, but which would also work very closely with <br />Budget staff. The position would handle the I&E coordination function, both with the reconstituted <br />I&E Committee, and on an ongoing basis after the Committee completes its charge. In addition, <br />during the annual budget process, this position would evaluate new position and position change <br />requests, under the joint direction of the Budget Director and Personnel Director. For the remainder of <br />the year, the position, under the direction of the Personnel Director and with the input of the County <br />management team, would: <br />^ Follow through to support operating departments to implement recommendations resulting from the <br />I&E and new position processes (e.g. outsourcing, staff realignment, internal system changes). <br />^ Complete systematic evaluation of vacant positions to assure the most effective use of County <br />resources and recommend realignment or other alternatives when identified. <br />^ Develop guidelines for outsourcing and provide enterprise-wide technical assistance to departments <br />that are pursuing outsource support. <br />^ Complete organization and staffing studies including assessment of the organization, functionality and <br />efficiency of positions/programs such as solid waste. <br />