Orange County NC Website
24 <br />4 <br />• Recycling Grants. - ($0.00). No revenue was anticipated from recycling grants during this fiscal year. <br />Miscellaneous Revenue - ($30,000). This revenue is from charges against Chapel Hill Sanitation <br />Division for night dumping operations ($30,000). Night dumping operations were suspended in <br />November, 1998 and the year-end revenue is not expected to exceed 13,151, but there will be an <br />offsetting savings in overtime salaries as a result of the program change. <br />4. Appropriated Reserves-Egnipmen~($353,000). These are funds accumulated in the <br />equipment reserves, which were used for purchase of a replacement D6-R bulldozer ($190,000}, a <br />used motor grader ($20,000), aroll-offtruck for recycling operations ($105,000) and miscellaneous <br />equipment for recycling operations ($8,000). <br />5. Appropriated Reserves--Eubanks Constraction~$71,500). These are funds accumulated in <br />past and present year for Eubanks Road landfill construction. The funds are being utilized for the <br />installation of perimeter fencing at the Eubanks Road landfill. <br />6. Appropriated Reserves--Acquisition & Construction -($105,000). These are funds <br />accumulated in past and present year for property acquisition and development of current or new <br />landfill facilities. These funds were utilized for the construction of a materials separation area for <br />the recycling program ($55,000) and for preliminary planning and development of a materials <br />recovery facility and transfer station ($50,000). <br />7. Appropriated Fand Balance-($734,940). These are funds estimated to be appropriated from <br />undesignated and available fund balance to balance the fund. See attached worksheet <br />l~• <br />~ Fiscal 1999-00 <br />1. Landfill Fees-{$3,588,800). This estimate assumes receipt of the following materials at the noted <br />tipping fees: , <br />Material Cost/ton Tons Total Revenue <br />Mixed Waste $39.00 58,100 $2,265,900 <br />Construction ~ Demo $39.00 30,000 $1,170,000 <br />Clean Wood/Yard W. $12.00 5.400 64 800 <br />TOTAL RECEIVED 93,500 $3,500,700 <br />2. Interest Income---($125,000). Assumption is based upon current year rate of return (5%) and <br />smaller total fund equity. <br />3. Other Revenue--($316,750). This includes the following: <br />• Sale of scrap metal--($20,000). This assumes a comparable level of revenue as estimated in the <br />current year. <br />• Recycling, revenue--($99,150). This assumes some receipt of 1,300 tons of newspaper at average price <br />of $15.50 per ton and 1,000 tons of cardboard at an average price of $25 per ton. Prices for both <br />materials have fallen sharply in the past year but have recently been on the rise. <br /> <br />