Orange County NC Website
BUDGET NOTES <br />FISCAL 1999-00 18 <br />ASSUMPTIONS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ~ <br />1) SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION <br />At this time, decisions are pending regarding the reorganization of the Solid Waste Management Department. It is <br />possible that these decisions will be made in the current year and that there will be expenditures associated with the <br />reorganization which will be incurred in Fiscal 1999-00. We have not included any funding for expenses related to <br />any reorganization in the 1999-00 budget request and have assumed in the base budget the continued management of <br />Solid Waste by the Town of Chapel Hill. Any additional funding required for the reorganization can be adequately <br />provided from the remaining undesignated surplus in the fund. No expenditures have been assumed for relocation of <br />or new administrative offices due to a possible reorganization. <br />Due to the enterprise fund nature of the Solid Waste Management Department and the corollary need for full cost <br />accounting to support the enterprise, most typical overhead costs are already paid by the fund either directly to the <br />vendor (ie. janitorial services), are charged directly to our accounts by the Town for Town managed services (vehicle <br />fuel and parts, telephone, electricity, office supplies, or are covered by the non-departmental "Charges by the General <br />Fund" for administrative, personnel, legal, and financial support. <br />In the event that we are asked to assume that reorganization expenses should be included in the 1999-00 budget, we <br />have estimated that the items we would recommend for inclusion would total about $37,750 for next year, or about <br />$36,300 assu**+~ng an October 1, 1999 transfer date. Each additional quarter year delay would reduce the amount by <br />about $1,400. It should be noted that any expenses related to payroll adjustments for transferring staff is not included. <br />Preliminary transition meetings were held by Orange County and Chapel Hill staff more than a yeaz ago to begin <br />ironing-out transitional details, including costs. These meetings stopped when discussions regarding the <br />reorganization reached an impasse, with most work incomplete. Therefore, the $37,750 results from a preliminary <br />'~• assessment by Chapel Hill staff regarding several possible reorganization related expenses resulting from staff s best <br />guess, given the existing knowledge of our department and some of the issues discussed in our preliminary meetings <br />with Orange County. We feel that the order of magnitude presented by the suggested expenses is a reasonable <br />expectation. <br />Items addressed in the estimate fnclude labor for Public Works maintenance of vehicles and building, increased fuel <br />costs due to need to contract with Public Works, legal expenses, phone system maintenance, new letterhead/uniform <br />insignias/vehicle decals, human services consulting services, and miscellaneous expenses. It is assumed that existing <br />budgeted Charges by General Fund account will fiord routine overhead charges until Orange County analyzes its <br />adequacy and recommends changes in subsequent budget years. <br />2) DEVELOPMENT OF CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION LANDFILL <br />The proposed budget does not include fimding_for the purchase or development of a C&D landfill. The timeline of <br />the C&D Site Selection Work Group indicates a decision on and acquisition of a site during the current budget yeaz. <br />The Work Group has identified two final candidate sites on which exploratory work will be scheduled, once ongoing <br />negotiations with owners are complete. Assuming that one of these two sites will ultimately be selected and approved <br />by the governing boards, we are presenting below the estimated costs of buying and developing each of the two sites. <br />It is also assumed that most of the costs for acquisition and development of the selected site would be funded by <br />through the Reserve Fund -Acquisitions and Construction (estimated current balance = $868,550). We would <br />recommend that site acquisition costs be made available in the current budget year through a budget amendment from <br />the Acquisitions and Construction Reserve Fund (est. $476,000 for Eubanks site and est. $439,000 for Northern 86 <br />site). <br />