Orange County NC Website
Current Yeaz - 1998-99 <br />Current Year's Revenues <br />16 <br />Revenue is discussed in some detail in a separate section. We estimate that the current years landfill fee <br />revenue will exceed the revised budget by about $152,730, or 2.72%. This results primarily from: <br />• a higher than anticipated delivered tonnage of construction and demolition materials (+$152,000) due to <br />yeaz-end estimate of 32,000 tons received as compared to the original estimate for this year of 28,000; <br />• a slightly higher than anticipated revenue from mixed solid waste ($41,800) due to a year-end estimate of <br />58,000 tons received versus 56,900 tons originally estimated; and <br />Non-fee revenue is estimated to be $84,100, or 14.9%, less than budgeted. The following components <br />contributed to this anticipated deficit in non-fee revenues: <br /> Original Budget Projected Year-end Projected <br /> Estimate Estimate Variance <br />a) landfill. fines <br />$ 56,500 <br />$ 90,000 Amount <br />$33,500 <br />b) fire tax reimbursement 75,000 83,000 8,000 <br />c) white goods tax reimbursement 75,000 22,100 (52,900) <br />d) interest income 137,000 137,000 _ ~ <br />e) sale of recycling Paper' 20,000 18,000 (2,000) <br />f) <br />' ~ sale of recycling cardboard 25,000 25,000 -0- <br />g) sale of composting bins 11,000 -0- (11,000) <br />h) ~ sale of mulch 95,000 51,000 (44,000) <br />i) sales of commercial glass 10,500 5,900 (4,600) <br />j) <br />~~ sales of metal cans 3,500 5,500 2,000 <br />k) sales of fixed assets -0- 1,400 ~ 1,400 <br />~ 1) sale of scrap metal 26,600 27,500 900 <br />m) sale recycling containers/bins 100 1,550 1,450 <br />n) miscellaneous revenues 30.000 13.150 16 850 <br /> TOTAL ~ $ 565,200 $ 481,100 $ (84,100) <br />Current Year's ditures <br />The revised budget is $528,370, or 10.4%, more than the original budget due to reappropriated carryovers from <br />FY 1997-98 ($433,370) and a budget amendment ordinance increasing landfill fund appropriations ($95,000) <br />for Professional Services in the Recycling Division towards development of the Materials Recovery Facility. <br />Reappropriated carryovers in landfill operations totaled $433,370. Major components of the reappropriation <br />include: <br />• Landfill professional services ($189,892); <br />• Landfill contract services ($70,008); <br />• Land Improvement (Capital) for completion of landfill disposal cell #3 ($45,000); <br />• General Recycling ($70,786), including $53,119.92. in recycling contracted services, $5,008.43 in supplies <br />and $8,200.00 in vehicle maintenance and repair, and. <br />• Curbside Recycling ($4,709.66). <br />