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14 <br />Fiscal Year 199Q-OOH eouest <br />The budget includes continuation of current operations and recycling programs at current levels. A discussion <br />of possible additions to the requested base budget is included in the add list section. <br />Revenues and Fees for 1999-00. We recommend the fees and estimate the revenues from these fees for fiscal <br />year 1999-00 as follows: <br />Material Cost/ton Tons -Total Revenue <br />Mixed Waste $39.00 58,100 $2,265,900 <br />Construction & Demo $39.00 30,000 $1,170,000 <br />Clean Wood/Yard W. $12.00 5,400 $ 64,800 <br />Tires (most freel 100.00 1.100 $ 0 <br />TOTAL RECEIVED 94,600 $3,500,700 <br />For the convenience of comparison, I have provided the current year (FY 1998-99) tonnage and fee revenue. <br />Material Costlton Tons Total Revenue <br />Mixed Waste $38.00 58,000 $2,204,000 <br />Construction dt Demo $38.00 32,000 $1,216,000 <br />Clean Wood/Yard W. $12.00 5,400 $ .64,800 <br />Tires (most free) 100.00 1.100 ~ 0 <br />TOTAL RECEIVED 96,500 $3,484,400 <br />Estimated non-fee revenue is $441,750 and includes landfill fines, fire and white good tax reimbursements, sale <br />of scrap metal, newspaper and cardboard, sale of mulch and interest earnings. <br />~° Estimated revenue from reserve accounts and undesignated reserves totals $1,678,769. A detailed breakdown <br />Hof these fiords is provided in the Revenue section. Major projects funded from reserves include: <br />Ec~uioment Reserve <br />• purchase of a replacemerrt scraper/pan for landfill operations ($315,000) <br />Eubanks Landfill Reserve <br />• installation of the final landfill disposal cell (Cell #4) ($845,800). <br />Acquisition & Construction Reserve <br />• the base budget anticipates no revenue from this fund during the fiscal year. <br />Use of undesignated reserves totaling $502,969 is proposed in 1999-00 to balance the fund. Estimated 3une 30, <br />1999 undesignated reserves are $719,334, or 12.8% of the total landfill fund operating budget. <br />We have recommended the above tipping fees in order to meet the revenue requirements of the fiend while <br />attempting to minimize increases in fees. In 1998-99, we raised tipping fees $3 per ton for both mixed solid <br />waste and construction and demolition waste in order to cover a projected revenue deficit. We propose <br />utilizing a combination of other revenues, reserves and the recommended fee increase of $1.00 per ton for <br />mixed solid waste and construction and demolition waste, to meet the estimated revenue needs of the landfill <br />fund for 1999-00. Note that the recommended tipping fee for mixed solid waste and construction and <br />demolition waste are increased by the same amount from last fiscal year, as has been the recommendation of <br />the Landfill Owner's Group in recent budgets. <br />