Orange County NC Website
Lieth TEL: <br />Jan 12,99 17:31 No .004 P.O1 <br />13 <br />. yof: <br />TM 6.308.9 +10 <br />.. PIN 4748.59.4995, 9749-SO-8084 <br />Lot 9: <br />H at a point is the teats line .of NC Highway S4 sad said poirrt being the <br />northeast comer of Tract 5 as shows oa the plat herein described; Homing thence with the <br />center 8ne of the said NC ITighway S4. ia. as eaat,erly direction. abng the aro.ofra counter- <br />cloclcwise circle having a rata of 3819.72 feet a distance of 295.33 feet to a point; ~` <br />tontiaoumg, thence north 7.6 degras 4Q.mimrta. east .134.00 feet to a point;.nannio~gthmce <br />south 08 degrees 06 minutes east .1217.ZS Ebel to an iron stake; nuwng thence moth 7St <br />degras OS minutes west 357.90 ant to m iron.stetce in the eastaa.prnperty Brae of Tract <br />8 as shown on the plat ba+ein ; ruaoing thence north 17 degrees SS miaoutes ~ <br />264.70 fiat ~ as iron stalc~a in the.aoctbeaat torner.of the acid Tract 8; ruaaing.theace <br />north 09 degrees S 1 minutd sad 45 seconds west 990.14 fat to the point and place of <br />BE(lID>hJIl1Ci, and bang 11.5 actres.shown as Trad.6 on a plat and surve3t•by BobC~t 1. <br />Ayers, Registered Surveyor, dated Nove~abd' 18, 1974, revised September 21,1 and <br />datoma>fted."Propccty oaf blt. Beno~ D,uhans", whith.pUut is retarded in the . of <br />the Register of Deeds of Orange County is Back of Maps 28, page 61, and wb~ch~ch Ihtp <br />reftereeroe is hereby made Ear fltcshat=deacdpd~n. <br />Lot 1o- <br />Be$iaaiog a a point in the ca~.liaa.ofNC H>gl~r 54, said point bang.tha. <br />comer of Tract 6 as shown opt the plot heroin deacn'bod; :uaautg thrnte with the <br />line a~fNC Highway S4 north 76 degepet40 ca:t420 Feet to s point,tthe <br />northwest oonyer of Larry Sturdiwt8, rutnting thence with Strudivattt'a wet property lilts <br />muth~l3 degrees 45 auantea sit 366 feetto_aain~.stake; c~ontiauing.thentx. Ol <br />degrees 49 minutes east 833.52 f?xt to m ire stake; t'tamiag thence swth 7Z d~ OS <br />minutes wat368.50 feet to as iron stake; tunaiugtheace north 08 drgras.06.mimites <br />west 1217.25 fat to the point and plaex of HE(3INNII~It}, and being 11.5 aa+ea shown as <br />Tract 7 oa a plat sad survey by xebec J..Ayera,.8egistered Surveyor, dated l~onr~a' <br />1H, i 974, revised Saptembex 21,1977 and deaominucd `~m~perty of lints. Baptie ' <br />.DutLaos", whirls plat is.rec~ordedm thc. oflhx.cfthe Register- of Deeds o£ Qraaga Catty <br />in Soda of Maps 28, page 61, and which phut re~rpscx is hereby made for fitrthet <br />. ~. <br />