Orange County NC Website
9 <br />ARTICLE 4 -DISTRICT STATEMENTS OF INTENT AND APPLICATION CRITERIA <br />Article 4.2 identifies the criteria which will normally be used to determine the application of a zoning district <br />designation. The applicant has applied for a Neighborhood Commercial-2 designation. The criteria for that district <br />are set forth in Article 4.Z.9 b) as follows: <br /> PLANNING BOARD EVIDENCE SUBMITTED TO BOARD OF <br /> FINDINGS SUPPORT FINDINGS COMMISSIONERS <br /> FINDINGS <br />1. Site is located within areas The proposed sites are within <br />designated by the adopted the White Cross Rural <br />Comprehensive Plan as either a Community Activity Node. <br />Commercial Transition Activvity <br />Node, a Rural Commercial <br />Activity Node or a Rural <br />Neighborhood Activity Node. )( Yes _ No _ Yes _ No <br />2. Uses would serve a market Any commercial uses would <br />area population confined to the serve the immediate area. <br />immediate area and would <br />generaly not serve commuters <br />or persons outside the <br />surrounding neighbofiood. X Yes _ No _ Yes _ No <br />3. Lot size for individual uses .The application indicates that <br />shall be appropriate to the engineering reports indicate the <br />method of water supply and ability to treat up to 8,000 gallons <br />sewage disposal. X Yes _ No per day of septic waste on site. <br /> All proposed zoning lots are Yes _ No <br /> greater than 1.0 acre in size <br /> which should be sufficient size <br /> to locate septic systems. <br />4. Normally, the maximum The application indicates that <br />amount of land zoned NC-2 at population density in this area is <br />any node shall not exceed nine comparable to that within transition <br />acres, but 5 acres shall appty in <br /> <br />rural areas where population areas. <br />There are 5 <br />01 acres within the <br />density is lower and distributed . <br /> <br />more widely than in the node zoned for NC-2 uses -the <br />Transition area. Acreage maximum allowed within a rural <br />limitations shall not apply to community. <br />property zoned Existing <br />Commercial V (EC-5) or planned <br />developments. _ Yes )( No _ Yes _ No <br />5. All sites designated NC-2 Proposed zoning lots have <br />shall have direct access to a frontage on N.C. Hwy. 54 W. <br />street classified either as an <br />arterial or collector as designated <br />by the adopted Comprehensive X Yes _ No _ Yes _ No <br />Plan. <br />