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Hillary Helmich, a resident of Oak Hollow Road, spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. <br />61 <br />2 <br />3 Cynthia Massey, a resident of Oak Hollow Road, spoke in opposition to this rezoning request. She did <br />4 not agree that there was a need for additional commercial development in the area. <br />6 County Attomey Gledhill responded to an earlier question regarding the issue of sufficient notice. He <br />7 mentioned that Planner Lincoln mailed these notices 12 days prior to the Public Hearing date which <br />8 does comply with state taw. He did not discuss with her which lists were used to contact the <br />9 neighbofiood. Wth regard to whether the notices were mailed to the correct addresses from the <br />to County tax abstract, he had no information. <br />11 <br />12 Chair Gordon asked what he recommended with regard to this notification process. <br />13 <br />la County Attomey Gledhill stated that if there is a notice problem and the property is rezoned those <br />15 who are unhappy with this decision would have a legitimate reason to complain. This rezoning <br />16 request could be sent to the Planning Board for their recommendation. At the same time, staff could <br />17 look at whether the notices were mailed using the correct tax abstracts. The Board of <br />1s Commissioners could receive that information at the next Joint Public Hearing <br />19 <br />20 Recommended Motion: A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner <br />21 Halkiotis, to refer the proposed Zoning Atlas amendment to the Planning Board for, a recommendation <br />22 to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than May 4, 1999. Also, the validity of the <br />23 notification process will be reviewed and reported upon at that same time. <br />24 VOTE: UNAN{MOOS <br />25 <br />26 2. Comprefiensive Plan Amendment <br />27 a) CP-1-99 Apex Northwest Partnership <br />28 This item was presented by Planner Don Belk for the purpose of receiving public <br />29 comment on a proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Belk <br />3o stated that the Land Use Plan is a part of the County's Comprehensive Plan. It guides the County's <br />31 policies on growth, establishes land use goals and objectives and seeks to influence the location and <br />32 pattern of development. The Zoning Ordinance provides for changes to the Land Use Element and <br />33 Land Use categories in the following situations: <br />34 ^ because of changed or changing conditions in a particular area or areas of the county, or <br />35 to correct an error or omission in the Land Use Plan, or <br />36 ^ in response to a change in polices, objectives, principals or standards governing the physical <br />37 development of the County. <br />38 <br />39 The applicant, Apex Northwest Partnership, submitted an application to amend the Land Use Plan. <br />4o The property proposed for the amendment lies in Hillsborough Township, north of Hillsborough <br />41 between NC 86 and NC 57 and north of Rocky Lane (SR 1622). It is also west and north of the Mars <br />42 Hill Baptist Church property. The property is currently undeveloped and contains two (2) tracts <br />43 totaling 390 acres. The larger tract is owned by Apex Northwest Partnership and is 313 acres in size. <br />44 On the southern portion of the property is a tract owned by Eva Brown and Wayne Powell and it <br />45 contains 78.11 acres. There is a significant portion of this property that lies within the existing Rural <br />46 Industrial Activity Node which is focused on the intersection of Coleman Loop Road and NC $6. A <br />47 Plan Amendment was approved in January 1985 which extended the 10-Year transition area into the <br />48 southwest quadrant of this activity node. Eighty-five (85°~) of the Powell and Brown tract lies within <br />49 this Land Use Plan category and 15°~ of the Apex Northwest Partnership tract lies within that plan <br />5o category. The property, for the most part, is zoned for Agricultural-Residential (AR) which permits <br />x:~ <br />