Agenda - 05-18-1999 - 9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-18-1999
Agenda - 05-18-1999 - 9b
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Last modified
3/26/2009 12:58:41 PM
Creation date
3/26/2009 12:58:38 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990518
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57 <br />2 Slade McCalip referred to page 157 of the packet which presented projected traffic volumes. He <br />3 stated that US 70 Bypass is cun'ently experiencing more trips and it is forecast in the regional model <br />4 to get much more traffic in the next 20 years. <br />5 <br />6 Commissioner Halkiotis mentioned that there are signs on Hwy 1-40 which refer to trucks using Hwy <br />7 70 Business. He asked why that was happening. He has seen tractor trailers doing u-turns at 7:45 in <br />s the morning on Hwy 70. He said that he was alarmed to hear that it was projected to get worse. <br />to Slade McCalip indicate that Hillsborough has a prohibition on trucks using Churton Street. Also, he <br />11 mentioned that the Dufiam-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Work Group, of which <br />12 Orange County is a member, has forecast that US 70 wilt have a significant increase in traffic. It will <br />13 be well -over capacity by 2025. He explained that the Transportation Improvement Plan includes <br />14 planned improvements for Hwy 70 but those improvements are not yet programmed. He explained <br />15 that Improvements are not actually expected to be completed until they are included in the State <br />16 Transportation Program. Only improvements that are programmed are intended to be completed <br />17 within the next six years. Proposed improvements go into the plan and from there they are selected <br />18 to be included in the program to be completed within asix-year time period. It could be included <br />19 sometime after the year 2006. <br />20 <br />21 A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey, to close the <br />22 Public Hearing and refer the application to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned <br />23 to the Board of Commissioners no sooner than May 4, 1999. <br />24 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />25 <br />2b <br />27 ~ b) Z-01-99 Armin Lieth <br />2s This item was presented by Planner Karen Lincoln for the purpose of receiving <br />29 evidence and citizen comment on the proposed rezoning of portions of two lots in the White Cross <br />3o community, Bingham Township, from R-1, Rural Residential, to LS-1, Local Commercial, and NC- <br />3 ~ 2 Neighbofiood Commercial. The applicant is proposing to rezone 4.0 acres of an 11.5 acre tot <br />32 from R-1 to NC-2; to rezone 2.5 acres of that same lot from R-1 to LC-1 and to rezone 1.5 acres <br />33 of another 11.5 acre tot from R-1 to LC-1. The subject property is located on the south side of <br />34 NC Highway 54 West approximately 0.28 miles west of Butler Road and approximately 0.265 <br />35 miles east of White Cross Road. The property is zoned R-1, Rural Residential. the southern <br />36 halves of the two lots are zoned HAW PW, Haw River Protected Watershed Overlay District. <br />37 Approximately 2.0 acres of the area proposed to be rezoned to LC-1 are within the HAW PW <br />38 Overlay District. None of the area proposed to be rezoned to NC-2 is wkhin the HAW PW Overlay <br />39 District. Surrounding land uses are residential with commercial uses to the northwest, west and <br />4o east along N.C. Highway 54. Oak Hollow Subdivision and Westbrook Subdivision are located <br />at across N.C. Highway 54 to the north and northeast of the subject property. Sturdivants Tire and <br />a2 Auto is adjacenf to the property on the east; Piedmont Feed and Supply, a B.P. Station, and <br />43 Fabric Showroom Superior Furniture Upholstery area are located on the south side of N.C. <br />44 Highway 54 to the west; White Cross School (which houses N.C. Writers Network, the White <br />45 Cross Community Art Space, ISI & Rhythms ll, Cathy Kiffney and Akido), Video Plus, a hardware <br />46 and paint store, Woodworking Co-op and a seafood restaurant are on the north side of N.C. <br />47 Highway 54 to the northwest. According to the Orange County Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, <br />48 Sections 4.2.8 b)4. and 4.2.9 b)4. the maximum amount of land zoned LC-1 at any node shalt not <br />49 exceed nine acres, and the maximum amount of land zoned NC-2 at any node shall not exceed <br />so nine acres; however, in rural areas where population density is lower and distributed more widely <br />~:~~ <br />
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