Orange County NC Website
21 <br />Permitted and Special Uses allowed within the LC-1 zoning district (cont.): <br />c) all operations are conducted entirely within a fully enclosed building <br />with no outside storage. <br />Studio (Art) <br />Special Events (Less than 150) <br />Provisions of Article 4.2.9 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance are as follows. <br />The purpose of the Neighborhood Commercial-II (NC-2) District is to provide <br />appropriately located and sized sites for limited commercial uses designed to serve a <br />population at the neighbofiood and rural level with convenience goods and personal <br />services. Performance standards will be used to insure the absence of adverse impacts <br />beyond the lot boundaries of the use. <br />This district will usually be applied where the following conditions exist: <br />1. Located within areas designated by the adopted Comprehensive Plan as <br />either a Commercial Activity Node or Rural Neighbofiood or Rural <br />Community Activity Node. ' <br />2. Uses would serve a market area population confined to the immediate <br />area and would generally not serve commuters or persons outside the <br />surrounding neighborhood. <br />3. Lot size for individual uses shall be appropriate to the method of water <br />supply and sewage disposal. <br />4. Normally, the maximum amount of land zoned NC-2 at any node shall not <br />exceed nine acres, but a maximum of 5 acres shall apply where <br />population density is lower and distributed more widely than in the <br />Transition areas. Acreage limitations shall not apply to property zoned <br />Existing Commercial V (EC-5) or planned developments. <br />5. All sites designated NC-2 shall .have direct access to a street classified <br />either as an arterial or collector as designated by the adopted <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />