Orange County NC Website
19 <br />1. Site is located within areas designated by the adopted Comprehensive <br />Plan as either a Commercial Transition Activity Node, a Rural Commercial <br />Activity Node or a Rural Neighbofiood Activity Node. <br />2. Uses would serve a market area population confined to the immediate <br />area and would generally not serve commuters or persons outside, the <br />surrounding neighbofiood. <br />3. Lot size for individual uses shall be appropriate to the method of water <br />supply and sewage disposal. <br />4. Normally, the maximum amount of land zoned LC-1 at any node shall not <br />exceed nine acres, but 5 acres shall apply in rural areas where population <br />density is lower and distributed more widely than in the Transition- area. <br />Acreage limitations shall not apply to property zoned Existing Commercial- <br />. V (EC-5) or planned developments. <br />5. AI{ sites designated LC-1 shall have direct access to a street classified. <br />either as an arterial or collector as designated by the adopted <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />Permitted and Special Uses allowed within the LC-1 zoning district are listed <br />below. <br />Day Care Facility, other than large Day Care Home <br />Day Care Home <br />Dwelling, Single-Family, w/wo efficiency apartment <br />Dwelling, Two-Family <br />Dwelling, Mobile Home <br />Family Care Home <br />Group Cage Facility (requires Class B Special Use Permit) <br />Rehabilitative Care Facility <br />Accessory Uses to Principal Uses <br />Botanical Gardens and Arboretums <br />Bus Passenger Shelter <br />Church <br />