Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 18, 1999 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~_ <br />SUBJECT: Letter to Chapel Hill Town Council to Explore Options for Retaining Bus Service to <br />Southern Human Services Center <br />DEPARTMENT: County Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/1~ No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Draft Letter (under sepazate cover) <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Commissioner Barry Jacobs, 732-4384 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough 732-8181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Durham 688-7331 <br />Mebane 336-227-2031 <br />PURPOSE: To consider sending a letter to the Chapel Hill Town Council requesting that the <br />Town explore options for continuing to provide bus service to the Southern Human Services <br />Center. <br />BACKGROUND: The Town of Chapel Hill is considering discontinuing Chapel Hill Transit <br />bus service to the Southern Human Services Center on Homestead Road. Commissioner Jacobs <br />has drafted a letter which he suggests the Boazd transmit to the Town Council, requesting that the <br />Town continue bus service, or at least leave open the issue pending further investigation and <br />consideration. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The potential financial impact will depend on the Town's willingness <br />to consider continuing the service, and the stipulations that might be attached to continuation of <br />that service (e.g. some effort by the County to defray a portion of the cost of the service). <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): Approve sending the letter to the Chapel Hill Town Council. <br />