Orange County NC Website
11 <br />SECTION IV-B-10 FLEXIBLE DEVELOPMENT <br />Section D DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS <br />Flexible Development subdivision plats shall be prepared in accordance with one or <br />more of the following development options. <br />D.1 Estate Lot Option <br />For lots created as part of an estate lot development, the following standards apply: <br />• Each estate lot shall have a lot size of at least four (4) acres.. <br />• For each estate lot, a building envelope (buildable area) shall be defined of <br />sufficient size to accommodate asingle-family detached dwelling and customary <br />accessory. uses, including, but not limited to, storage buildings and garages, <br />patios and decks, lawns, and driveways. <br />• The building envelope of an estate lot may not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the <br />total lot area and shall not include designated Primary and/or Secondary <br />Conservation Areas. <br />• Only the area outside of the building envelope of an estate lot may be counted <br />toward meeting the minimum open space requirement. The open space area <br />shall be continuous to open space designated on the adjacent lot(s) and <br />shall not include required front yard and side yard setbacks unless the <br />front or side vard contains significant primary or secondary conservation <br />areas. <br />STAFF NOTE: <br />THIS AMENDMENT CLARIFIES WHAT MAY BE COUNTED AS OPEN SPACE. THE AMENDMENT IS <br />PROPOSED TO PREVENT A PROBLEM PREVALENT IN SUBMITTED PLANS USING THE <br />CONSERVATION OPTION WHICH ALLOWED THE OPEN SPACE TO BE ON INDIVIDUALLY OWNED <br />LOTS. ALTHOUGH THE ESTATE OPTION HAS NOT BEEN USED, RELATED AMENDMENTS PROPOSE <br />THAT OPTION TO BE THE ONLY OPTION IN WHICH OPEN SPACE MAY BE PRESERVED ON <br />INDMDUALLY OWNED LOTS. <br />g :\may599\flexdev. not\5-13-99Vc1 <br />