Orange County NC Website
016 <br />16 <br />W. Hendrickson concluded that he was most concerned about the schools, <br />school buses, traffic and density. <br />Mr. Jim Ray, property owner on Lawrence Road and owner of the <br />Occoneechee Golf Course, expressed concern with possible runoff, <br />drainage problems. He asked about the impervious surface area allowed. <br />Cameron responded that this is not in a Protected Watershed so impervious <br />surface ratios would not apply. The floor area limits and setbacks may <br />control impervious surface. He continued that he had concerns about so <br />many houses in such a small space indicating that he felt the lot sizes would <br />only be 7,000 square feet. <br />Cheryl Howard, resident of Colonial Hills Subdivision, stated that Colonial <br />Hills has public water but not public sewer service. She stated that her <br />subdivision and Colonial Park has had continual problems with septic <br />systems and asked if they will be allowed to connect to public sewer lines. <br />Mr. Ray spoke again expressing concern with fire protection and the fact <br />that his property will be downstream from the sewer pumping station. <br />Mr. Murray stated that he understood the concern with impacts but, asked <br />that everyone remember that the impact will not be all at once. He noted <br />that municipalities have more strict design details and methods of control of <br />sewer pump stations. He continued by comparing this project to one <br />recently done in west Durham County but is inside Chapel Hill City Limits. <br />He explained how runoff is controlled in that subdivision. <br />Price expressed concern that this seems to be a very urbanized plan with the <br />density indicating to her that this would be a small village. She was also <br />concerned with the impact on the schools and the existing sewer system. <br />She felt the proposed development is very uniform and confining. She <br />noted that there is a need for homes in the lower end of the price range. She <br />expressed major concern that developers seem to be addressing needs of <br />RTP rather than the needs of Hillsborough and Orange County. <br />Andrews expressed agreement that the plan looks good on paper but was <br />not sure that Hillsborough is ready for such development. She expressed <br />concern with NCDOT and felt they do not have the same concerns that <br />Orange County has. Traffic and emergency vehicles are concerns <br />considering private roads within the development. Andrews continued that <br />water pressure and impact on the schools are also issues that should be <br />addressed prior to approval of such a project. <br />Hoecke expressed concern that infrastructure should be in place before such <br />development is proposed. He felt it was very much "getting the cart before <br />the horse." <br />Strayhorn stated that the area is one of the open spaces that is near enough <br />to have public water and sewer and such places are where density must be if <br />urban sprawl is to be controlled. He continued that he had many of the <br />same concerns already expressed by area residents such as management of <br />the runoff. He also felt that it could be an opportunity for nearby residents <br />to alleviate current sewer and water problems. He also added that he felt <br />