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UU� <br />8 <br />outdoor storage of semi - trailers, and parking for semi - tractors are situated on these parcels. An error <br />in zoning was discovered when the company applied for a building permit to add a 60' X 100' fleet <br />maintenance shop to the complex. The firm was unable to build the new facility because the property <br />is zoned AR. This is a part of a larger agricultural tract of approximately 184 acres. The original <br />zoning mistake occurred as a result of oversight or perhaps when it was transferred to the permanent <br />map. This business is located in the Back Creek Watershed. The impervious surface now existing, <br />including the new proposal, is 67 %; the allowed amount is 80 %. <br />QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: None <br />QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS FROM THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD: None <br />QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS: None <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Gordon, to refer the <br />proposed Zoning Atlas amendment to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned no <br />sooner than February 2, 1999. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b) Z -3 -98 Lawrence Park Subdivision <br />This item was presented by Eddie Kirk for the purpose of receiving citizen comment on a Planned <br />Development, Class A Special Use Permit and rezoning application for the Lawrence Park <br />Subdivision. The property is located in Eno Township on the east side of Lawrence Road (SR 1709) <br />between Interstate 85 and US Highway 70A. The current zoning is Rural Residential (R -1) with a <br />portion in the major Transportation Corridor. Adjacent land uses are residential, including Colonial <br />Park zoned (R -4) and Colonial Hills zoned (R -2) subdivisions. The adjacent zoning to the north and <br />east is R -1; Lawrence Road Baptist Church is located across Lawrence Road. The Rock House, a site <br />listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is at the southwest corner of US 70A and Lawrence <br />Road. This proposal involves rezoning an area from R1 to R2 along the new entrance road off US <br />70A. This involves 3.275 acres with 7 residential lots proposed. Four lots are proposed on the east <br />side and three on the west side of the entrance road. <br />QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: <br />Chair Brown ask Mr. Kirk to explain the rationale for why these lots were created in this way. Mr. <br />Kirk indicated that the zoning on US 70A is R -1 and therefore they put the larger lots closer to the R -1 <br />zone near the entrance to the planned development. <br />QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS FROM THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />None. <br />QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS: <br />None. <br />A motion was made by Chair Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis, to refer the application <br />to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner <br />C: \WINWORD \NOV2398A.DOC <br />