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of <br />12 <br />Article 8.2.1 3 - The location and character of the use, if developed according to <br />the plan submitted, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be <br />located.... <br />Walters noted that there is a little of every type of zoning in that area. Andrews <br />agreed, but, noted that this project is the largest. <br />MOTION: McAdams moved agreement with Staff's positive finding on Article 8.2.13. <br />Seconded by Strayhom. <br />VOTE: 3 in favor (McAdams, Strayhom, Walters). <br />3 opposed (Andrews, Barrows, Selkirk). <br />MOTION: Andrews moved denial of the application as proposed. Seconded by Selkirk. <br />VOTE: 3 in favor (Andrews, Barrows, Selkirk). <br />3 opposed (McAdams, Strayhom, Walters). <br />AGENDA ITEM #8: a. Zoning Atlas Amendment <br />(1) Z -3 -98 Lawrence Park <br />Presentation by Karen Lincoln. <br />The property is located in Eno Township on the south side of US Highway 70A. <br />The current zoning is Rural Residential (R -1). Land uses in the vicinity are <br />residential, including Colonial Park zoned (R4) and Colonial Hills zoned (R -2) <br />subdivisions. The adjacent zoning to the north and east is R -1. Lawrence Road <br />Baptist Church is located across Lawrence Road. The Rock House, a site listed <br />on the National Register of Historic Places, is at the southwest comer of US 70A <br />and Lawrence Road. <br />The property proposed to be rezoned and subdivided is 3.275 acres. It is not <br />located in a protected watershed and is designated twenty year transition in the <br />Comprehensive Plan. The applicant proposes to rezone the property from Rural <br />Residential (R 1) to Residential -2 (R -2). <br />The Plan involves two proposals. One proposal involves a rezoning, planned <br />development and Class A Special Use Permit with 237 lots, and is being <br />considered in another abstract. This proposal involves rezoning an area from RI <br />to R2 along the new public entrance road off US 70A. This involves 3.275 <br />acres with 7 residential lots proposed. Four lots are proposed on the east side <br />and three on the west side of the entrance road. <br />Public water and sewer service from the Town of Hillsborough will be extended <br />to serve the proposed lots. Water lines exist on US 70A. Sewer service will be <br />extended to the site from the Meadowlands development. <br />In a 5 to 3 vote the Planning Board approved the Concept Plan for Lawrence <br />Park in their April 1, 1998 meeting. <br />A joint public hearing on the rezoning request was held by the Board of <br />Commissioners and Planning Board on November 23, 1998. The Orange <br />