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37 <br />which is not enough for church expansion. If the development does <br />occur the church could/would anticipate some growth and they would <br />like to be able to expand in the event growth does occur. Barrows <br />responded that would be a Board of Adjustment issue and the strict <br />parameters would not allow for the variance needed for expansion. <br />Callemyn spoke to the concern of Mr. Laws noting that he had worked <br />with the church when they had initially tried to do some additional <br />building and one of the restraints was water and sewer. Obviously, with <br />the school being built, they will have access to sewer so some of the land <br />that was set aside for septic repair could now be utilized. Callemyn <br />continued that the land south of the church is not in any plans so that land <br />could be conveyed to the church to increase its impervious surface area. <br />Any ideas that the church has, the applicant is willing to listen and work <br />with them to keep the road as far away from the church and cemetery as <br />possible. He indicated that the developer is more than willing to talk with <br />and work with a church committee to address all of their issues and <br />concerns. Mr. Laws indicated he would relay that message to Mars Hill <br />Church. <br />Katz asked if the Planning staff's concerns have been addressed by the <br />response of the applicant or whether there are still some areas of non- <br />compliance. Belk responded that staff still felt the issues of non- <br />compliance apply. They have not factored in the existence of a potential <br />school site into the issues. He continued that several of the points the <br />applicant made are good clarification of some particular points, <br />particularly in regard to the Phelps farm. The farm has been on the <br />National Register Study list for quite some time and the Historic <br />Preservation Commission has been actively encouraging Mr. Phelps to <br />pursue getting his property on the National Register and also to becoming <br />part of the Local Landmarks Program but he has not decided to, do so. <br />The applicant also answered questions that the Commissioners ad about <br />road right -of -way and the parameters of the Quaker Cemetery. However, <br />the staff still stands by the original points of non - compliance on the <br />application. <br />Allison asked if the information provided about transportation answered <br />the concerns or is it still questionable. Belk responded that there are still <br />some constraints even though the question of site distance is addressed. <br />Whether the question of non - compliance is addressed, Belk indicated he <br />was not prepared to answer that question right now. <br />Brooks asked why Belk was not prepared to answer the question. Belk <br />responded that is due primarily to the fact that the placement and timing <br />and construction of the road is tied to the school and the analysis did not <br />take that into account. <br />Katz asked about the size of the proposed elementary school. Callemyn <br />responded 600 with the expansion for another 200. Katz continued, <br />asking the number of proposed houses. Callemyn responded two per acre <br />which would be approximately 475 which is indicated in the application. <br />Callemyn continued that the applicant has offered, upon approval of the <br />change in the Land Use Plan, to work with the Planning Staff on a <br />comprehensive plan on how this project should be done. <br />