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Excerpt from draft Planning Board minutes, meeting of April 13, 1999 2 35 <br />AGENDA ITEM #5: MATTERS HEARD AT PUBLIC HEARING (FEBRUARY 22, 1999) <br />a. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT <br />(1) CP -1 -99 Apex Northwest Partnership <br />Presentation by Don Belk. <br />Apex Northwest Partnership requests an amendment to the Land Use <br />Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan to expand the Ten - <br />Year Transition plan category to land currently designated Agricultural <br />Residential and Rural Industrial Activity Node. <br />The property in question is north of the Town of Hillsborough and lies <br />between NC 86 and NC 57 and north of Rocky Lane (SR 1622). It lies <br />west and north of Mars Hill Baptist Church which is approximately 1.25 <br />miles north of the intersection of NC 86 and NC 57. <br />The designation of Ten -Year Transition is applied to land in transition <br />from rural to urban uses which has or will have access to public water <br />and sewer service. The proposed designation of Ten -Year Transition <br />would allow potential rezoning of the property to higher- density <br />residential uses in the future. The property is currently zoned AR, which <br />permits residential uses with a minimum lot size of 0.92 acres. <br />A public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of <br />the Comprehensive Plan was held on Monday, February 22. The <br />applicant's agent, Callemyn- Parker, Inc., has submitted a response to the <br />Planning Staffs presentation at the public hearing. These comments are <br />an attachment to these minutes on pages <br />There were some points from the public hearing that needed clarification <br />and these have been addressed by the applicant. Staff had indicated they <br />found only 60 feet of road frontage. That has been rechecked and the <br />total amount of road frontage is 178 feet. Another question was the <br />ownership of the Quaker Cemetery. It has been determined that the <br />cemetery is not within the boundaries of this property. <br />Based on the analysis of the application and supporting documentation, <br />the Planning Staff finds that changed or changing conditions cited by the <br />applicant would not be addressed by the proposed amendment. The <br />Planning Staff recommends denial of the request with five reasons noted: <br />1. The proposed amendment is not consistent with all locational criteria <br />for a Ten -Year Transition Area. <br />2. The site has locational advantages given its location between NC 86 <br />and NC 57, but very constrained access to the property. Access <br />depends upon completion of a proposed Western Bypass (Coleman <br />Loop Extension), not upon the existing transportation network. <br />