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32 <br />mentioned that there are currently students who have two hour bus rides from the farthest <br />reaches of the northern and western quadrants. The committee looked at GIS maps to look at <br />size of available parcels outside of watersheds and other restricted areas. They used Planning <br />Department information to identify where building permits had been issued. They found that a <br />significant number of the building permits were being issued in the western and northern portion <br />of the County. They looked at sites that would afford optimal opportunity to collocate school and <br />recreational facilities. The property in question is in pristine condition with many hardwoods and <br />even a small creek. These would provide recreational opportunities as well as educational <br />benefits. The biggest limiting factor that the Orange County School Board faces in siting any <br />school is its proximity to water and sewer lines. This site does have a six inch water line <br />adjacent to the property which would need to be upgraded. The owner of the property has <br />been most cooperative. She mentioned that those working on this project agree that there <br />would be severe consequences if this project was thrown off course. She mentioned that one <br />concern in this process is that they were unaware until Friday that the request for the land use <br />change would be denied by the Planning staff. She stated that they had been led to believe <br />that the planning staff would recommend approval. She asked that the Board of Commissioners <br />approve this request. <br />Ray DeBruhl, the facilities consultant to the Board of Education, stated that he was responsible <br />for assisting the board in managing to deliver an elementary school by August, 2000. He <br />mentioned that the owner of the property, Michael Edwards, owns a jewelry store in Cary. Prior <br />to developing a school site they look 25 -40 years into the future to try to visualize where <br />schools need to be located. One issue they consider is transportation. He mentioned that <br />Hillsborough's water and sewer plans were also considered. He surmised that the residential <br />growth that is going to occur would be east of Highway 86. This site would greatly reduce the <br />cost of transportation for those students in the northern and western areas of the County. He <br />mentioned that this site is located within the network of roads in such a way as to facilitate the <br />transportation of students. There is a right -of -way of over 100 feet on Highway 57. The Town of <br />Hillsborough has the capacity to serve the school site with water and sewer. Piedmont Electric <br />has agreed to serve this site with natural gas if that is required. The geotechnical study has <br />been completed and this site is excellent in terms of its technical characteristics. There are no <br />wetlands or environmental issues which would be impacted by the schools. There is excellent <br />site drainage. The property represents an excellent opportunity for a public - private partnership. <br />Mr. Edwards, representing the Apex Northwest Partnership, has agreed to donate a site for the <br />school and to pay 50°x6 of the road construction cost from Highway 57 to the school. They have <br />also agreed to pay 50% of the water and sewer costs when they actually access the water and <br />sewer. They have also agreed to donate the right -of -way for public use of the outer loop <br />through their property. <br />County Manager Link asked if there was a binding agreement to donate 18 acres for a school <br />site or was the donation of the site contingent on the approval of the application. <br />Mr. DeBruhl stated that there is a written agreement for 18 acres for a school site. However, <br />this agreement has not been finalized. <br />Mr. Whitaker stated that it is not contingent upon approval. The School Board has agreed to <br />support and assist them in their effort to have this amendment approved. The school's <br />attorney could more accurately answer questions about the legality of the matter. He stated <br />