Orange County NC Website
30 <br />PRESENTATION BY APPLICANT: Jim Parker, co- applicant for Northwest Partnership, said <br />he represents Callemyn and Parker. He felt that Mr. Belk presented the criteria extremely well. <br />He understood that there were items not included in the proposed amendment because they <br />are in the proposal stage. There has been cooperative effort in developing this project with the <br />Orange County School Board, Transportation Department and local officials in an attempt to <br />coordinate what is expected to happen with this project. There is a potential school site to be <br />located in the southern portion of the large tract. That would be a K -5 elementary school. In <br />order for that to happen, a portion of the western bypass that is on the County Thoroughfare <br />Plan would have to be constructed. That has been reviewed by the Department of <br />Transportation and they are happy with that alignment. In order to serve the site, they would <br />have access on both sides of the proposed thoroughfare. <br />Chair Gordon stated that she did not remember the proposed western bypass going east as it <br />was shown on the map being used for this discussion. She remembered that it did not go east <br />of Highway 57. She clarified that she was talking about the next part of the plan to be <br />programmed. Anything to the east of Highway 57 would be very far into the future. <br />Planner McCalip agreed that the segment next for programming was from Highway 86 west. <br />Mr. Parker stated that they were aware that there were historical sites located on, or near, this <br />site. They are aware of the need to buffer those sites from future development. The extension <br />of public water and sewer utilities would be necessary for the development of a school and <br />would then be available to serve this site. <br />Tony Whitaker, President of Civil Consultants, stated that he had been hired by the Orange <br />County Board of Education to design and provide construction review services for the off -site <br />water lines and sewer lines to serve the new elementary school which is to be located in the <br />southern portion of the site in question. He mentioned -that one of the points that has been <br />introduced about the 10 -Year Transition Area characteristics is that the area has or will have <br />access to public water and sewer lines. He stated that this site does meet that criteria by virtue <br />of the proposed extension of water and sewer lines for the school. He mentioned that they have <br />worked with the Town of Hillsborough and they have designed a plan that conforms to the <br />Town's Master Plan and exceeds their minimum requirements. They have received the Town's <br />preliminary approval of the concept plan and have noted in their application to Orange County <br />that the Town of Hillsborough has not approved the water and sewer extension agreement but <br />they have made significant progress in those negotiations. <br />QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR THE <br />PLANNING BOARD: <br />Commissioner Halkiotis stated that the Town of Hillsborough already has a water line that runs <br />to Mars Hill Baptist Church. <br />Mr. Whitaker indicated that there was a water line extends to Mars Hills approximately five <br />years ago. In response to a question, he indicated that the Town did not need the approval of <br />Orange County to run that line because it is a line maintained by the Town. He mentioned that <br />the Town is very pleased with the concept behind this design for this school site because there <br />is a water quality concern for both established residents and the Mars Hill Baptist Church. The <br />water and sewer lines will enhance some of that water quality problem and will provide a public <br />