Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-01-1999
Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 9b
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Last modified
4/22/2013 9:01:15 AM
Creation date
3/25/2009 3:54:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990601
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
RES-1999-037 Resolution to Deny Application for CP-1-99 Apex Northwest Partnership
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1999
RES-1999-038 Resolution to Approve CP-1-99 Apex Northwest Partnership - See S RES-1999-037.
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1999
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J l-. <br />uses. The locational criteria used to make this determination are land slope, hydrology, flora <br />and fauna, soil conditions, public services and utilities, transportation system, energy use, <br />existing land uses, agricultural and forestry, population density and historic and cultural <br />features. <br />In the analysis conducted for the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners, a table was <br />provided that listed each criteria along with the determination of whether the area being <br />evaluated was compatible for the requested land use category change. The point to be made <br />about the analysis is that although there have been discussions about a school and /or a park <br />site, those discussions have not entered into this analysis. The staff evaluation of the locational <br />criteria is focused on the existing conditions and trends and not on development proposals. <br />The areas of noncompliance are listed below: <br />1) Existing Land Use: The property is located in an area which remains largely undeveloped or <br />in low- density residential use. There has been very little transitional activity at or near this <br />property. An adjoining, existing Ten Year Transition Area located south of Coleman Loop road <br />and west of NC 86 has been in place for 14 years and has seen no development activity during <br />this period. <br />2) Population Density: According to 1990 census data, the population density for the census <br />tract block group which contains the property (Tract 109, Block Group 2) is 67 persons per <br />square mile. By contrast, density for the census tract located south of the property (Tract 110, <br />Block Group 1), which contains most of the town limits of Hillsborough, is 406 persons per <br />square mile. This compares similarly with the overall Township density of 430 persons per <br />square mile. <br />3) Historic and Cultural: Phelps Farm (Survey (Survey #OR0667) is adjacent to the property. <br />This site is on the state's National Register Study List and deemed potentially eligible for the <br />National Register of Historic Places. There are three other sites adjacent to the property that <br />have been identified in the County's historical architecture survey. There are no known <br />archeological sites on the property according to state maps. However, the Orange County <br />Cemetery Survey has identified an old Quaker cemetery near the Mars Hill Baptist Church. <br />The areas staff found to be "questionable" are listed below: <br />1)Transportation System: The site is located in close proximity to Interstate 85 and US 70 <br />Bypass. Furthermore, it is situated directly between two major thoroughfares, NC-86 and NC- <br />57. Despite these locational advantages, direct access to the property is limited. There are two <br />sections of frontage along NC 86; however, the frontage at the northern end of Parcel 5.B.1A is <br />constrained by Stroud's Creek. There are two sections of frontage along NC 57. For the <br />southernmost section, there is a discrepancy between the deed description of the frontage and <br />measurement of the frontage from the tax map (revised 9/15/97) which was submitted with the <br />application. According to the deed description, the frontage is adequate in width at <br />approximately 170', but as scaled from the tax map, the frontage measures only 60' in width. <br />The northernmost section appears to be no more than 77' wide. There is no direct access to <br />rail service, however, this should not be a constraint for development of most small -scale <br />commercial and industrial uses. <br />2) Agriculture and Forestry: The Brown and Powell tract (4.5.B.1A, 78 acres) is enrolled in the <br />Orange County Farm Use taxation program, qualifying under Agriculture. The adjacent Phelps <br />Farm remains an active agricultural operation. Large scale development of the property could <br />have a detrimental impact on the farm. <br />W <br />
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