Orange County NC Website
27 <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />306F REVERE ROAD <br />HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27278 <br />u a <br />February 5,1999 <br />Dear Property Owner. <br />You have been identified as the owner of property within 500 feet of a proposed amendment to the Land <br />Use Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. This proposed amendment, CP -1 -99, has been <br />received from Apex Northwest Partnership for property between NC 86 and NC 57, north of the Town of <br />Hillsborough (please see map on reverse). This proposal will be presented at a public hearing before the <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners and Orange County Planning Board at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, <br />February 22,1999. The public hearing will be held in the Judge F. Gordon Battle Superior Courtroom <br />of the New Orange County Courthouse, 106 East Margaret Lane, Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br />Apex Northwest Partnership requests an amendment to the Land Use Element of the Orange County <br />Comprehensive Plan to expand the Ten -Year Transition plan category to land currently designated <br />Agricultural Residential. The property in question is north of the Town of Hillsborough and lies between <br />NC 86 and NC 57 and north of Rocky Lane (SR 1622). It lies west and north of Mars Hill Baptist Church <br />which is approximately 1.25 miles north of the intersection of NC 86 and NC 57. The property is <br />undeveloped, contains 312.96 acres, and is fiuther referenced as parcel 14, tax map 3, Hillsborough <br />Township. The southern portion of the property is proposed for dedication as a school site. A smaller tract <br />containing 78.11 acres referenced as parcel IA, tax map 5, block B, Hillsborough Township, and owned by <br />Eva P. Brown et al and Lanie B. Powell is adjacent to the Apex Northwest Partnership tract on the south and <br />is also included in the request. <br />The proposed amendment would redesignate this property from its existing classification of Agricultural <br />Residential to a new category, Ten -Year Transition. The designation of Ten -Year Transition is applied to <br />land in transition from rural to urban uses which has or will have access to public water and sewer service. <br />The proposed designation of Ten -Year Transition would allow potential rezoning of the property to higher - <br />density residential uses in the future. The property is currently zoned AR, which permits residential uses <br />with a minimum lot size of 0.92 acres. <br />You are invited to attend the February 22 public hearing and comment on the proposal. If you have any <br />questions or desire more information about this proposal, please contact me at 732 -8181, 967 -9251, 227- <br />2031 or 688-7331 (extension 2594). <br />Sincerely, <br />X44� <br />Donald R. Belk, AICP <br />Planner IIJLand Use and Preservation <br />