Orange County NC Website
19 <br />The applicant owns a 312 -acre tract located between NC 86 north and NC 57 behind and <br />north of Mars Hill Baptist Church. If the Land Use Plan amendment is approved, the <br />applicant plans to submit a proposal for a Planned Unit Development to include a <br />combination of residential and non - residential uses, as described in the table above. The <br />proposal also includes dedication of a school site, and dedication of right -of -way for a <br />portion of the Western By -pass. <br />Approval of the Land Use Plan amendment is needed for residential density greater than <br />one unit per acre. The applicant has proposed that a portion of the area between the <br />northern boundary of Hillsborough's jurisdiction, and the southern boundary of the <br />applicant's property also be included in the amendment request in order to provide <br />continuity between the Transition Area and the Town of Hillsborough (SEE <br />ATTACHMENT). <br />MANNER IN WHICH THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT WILL CARRY OUT <br />THE INTENT AND PURPOSE OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />The proposed amendment would positively contribute towards carrying out the following <br />goals of the Comprehensive Plan: <br />Goal 5.3 Direct intensive land use to existing urban areas designated <br />Transition Area and away from areas which are suitable for <br />continued agricultural uses and which are protected as water supply <br />watersheds and water quality critical area <br />Although the property is currently designated Agricultural Residential it is <br />not presently being used for agricultural purposes. No record of this <br />property being used for agriculture could be found. Therefore, <br />continuation of agricultural uses would not be feasible. <br />The property is located within the only Orange County portion of the <br />Neuse River Basin that is not located within a protected watershed. The <br />southern boundary of the Little River watershed is located about 750 feet <br />to the north of the property. The Upper Eno Watershed is located about <br />4,500 feet to the west of NC 57. The Lower Eno watershed is located <br />about 9,000 feet east of the site. The property is located within the Neuse <br />River Basin which requires 50 foot buffers along all applicable streams. <br />As the property is developed these buffers will be established in <br />accordance with the Neuse River Basin Rules. <br />Goal 14.2 Require residential developers to set aside an adequate amount of <br />acreage to meet future school facility needs. <br />The applicant proposes to dedicate at least 30 acres to the Orange County <br />Board of Education for a school site (see 11%23/98 letter from Michael <br />