Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 8y
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-01-1999
Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 8y
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/22/2013 9:00:11 AM
Creation date
3/25/2009 3:50:16 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Minutes - 19990601
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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9 <br />ARTICLE VI <br />FINANCES <br />Section 1. General Policies and Procedures: The Bureau shall adhere to Orange County's fiscal and <br />budgeting policies and procedures as established by the County and North Carolina General <br />Statutes. <br />Section 2 Seetieft 9. Monthly Reports: The Dir-eeter- Oranize County Finance Dellartment shall keep <br />the accounts of the Bureau and render a monthly statement thereof to the Beefd Bureau. <br />Section 3 Seetien 4. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for the Bureau shall begin July 1, and end June 30 of <br />the subsequent calendar year. <br />ARTICLE VII <br />ONFLICTS OF INTEREST <br />Section 1. Conflicts of Interest: If a member of the Bureau perceives himself or herself as having a <br />conflict of interest, or if a member perceives any other member as having a conflict of <br />interest, the member should announce the nature of the conflict to the Board, at which time <br />the Board will vote on whether or not they believe there is a conflict. If a member is <br />determined to have a conflict, he or she will take no part in deliberation on that question. <br />ARTICLE VIII <br />PERSONNEL <br />Section 1. Director: The Director shall be the principal paid staff of the Bureau <br />The <br />director shall have complete responsibility for the operation of the Bureau in the pursuit of <br />its purposes, the administration of employed staff of the Bureau, the general management of <br />the affairs of the Bureau under general authority delegated, and shall perform such <br />additional duties as the board may, from time to time, assign. The Director shall have <br />responsibility to authorize purchases and otherwise commit the Bureau in its normal <br />operations, within the budget adopted, °la ffi", sign eeatfaets and other- instmffiefits of t <br />Bkffeau, when auther-ized te do se by the . The Director shall conduct the <br />correspondence of the Bureau and give notice of meetings of the Bureau. The Director is a <br />County employee subject to the policies outlined in the Orange County Personnel <br />Ordinance including the Orange County Pay Plan and as -s ° ° ive <br />
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