<br />BE IT FURTH~t RESOLVED that at least four weeks before the date of
<br />the public hearing theta shall be prepared a report containing a
<br />map of the proposed district showing its proposed boundaries, to-
<br />gether with a statement showing that the proposed district has a dem-
<br />onstrable need for fire nroteation and that it is impossible o^
<br />impracticable to provide such service on a county wide basis; said
<br />report shall also provide a plan for providing fire protection with-
<br />in said area. Said report shall be available for public inspection
<br />in the Office of the Clerk to the Board for at least four weeks prior
<br />to the date of the public hearing.
<br />~ BE ZT F'TTRTHER RESOLVED that at least four weeks before the date of
<br />the public hearing a notice shall be mailed to the owners of all
<br />property located within the propcsed district which notice shall
<br />- state the date, hour, and place of the hearing and its subjeet
<br />and shall include a map of the proposed district and a statement
<br />that the report aetforth in the proceeding paragraph is available for
<br />public inspection in the office of the Clerk to the Board; the
<br />notice shall also be published at least once not leas than one week
<br />before the date of the hearing.
<br />Upon Motion of Commidaioner_Melvin ihitfield, seconded by Commissioner
<br />• Renry S, Walker, the resolution reaeivad the following vote:
<br />Ayes: Cotmnissionera C, Norman Walker, Henry S, Walker, Flora Garrett,
<br />Richard E, Whitted and Melvin ti•12iitfield,
<br />Nays: None.
<br />That Whereas within the area of the subdivision known ea The Oaks
<br />and designated on Orange County tax map as:
<br />Tax map 54-A Block A parcel 2, 3, l}, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
<br />Tea map 51}-A Block B parcel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, b, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
<br />Tax map 54-B Block 3 parcel 1, 2, 3, fa., 5, b, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
<br />12, 13, 11~, 15, 15, 17, 18
<br />Tax map 54.-B Bloak C parcel 1, 2, 3, ~., 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
<br />12, l~e 1!+
<br />Tax map 54-3 31ock D parcel 1, 2, 3, (}
<br />_.. Tax map 5!}-B Bloak A parcel 1, 2, 3, 1}
<br />there era approximately 23 single family dwellings and 124 apartment units;
<br />and whereas all of this property lies without the corporate limits of any
<br />municipality; and whereas ell of said property is without fire protection and
<br />whereas it is impossible or impratical to provide fire protection on a county
<br />wide basis and that witra.n this territory there is a demonstrable need Pot fire
<br />protection.
<br />Now, Therefore 3e It Resolved that the Board of Commissioners of Orange County
<br />shall on the 25th day of Juna, 1974, at 8:00 P,M. in the District Courtroom of.
<br />the Chapel ~a11 Police 3uilding in Chapel Hill conduct a public hearing for
<br />the purpose of considering the adoption of a resolution defining the above
<br />described property as a "County Service Distriat° ender the provisions of
<br />"The County Service District Act of 1973".
<br />BE TT k"UPTHER RESOLVED that at least four weeks before the date of the public
<br />hearing there shsll be prepared a report containing & map oP the proposed
<br />district shorting its proposed boundaries, together with a statement showing
<br />that the proposed district hoe a demonstrable need for fire protection and
<br />that it is impossible or impractical to provide such service on a county wide
<br />basis; said report shall also provide a plan for providing fire protection
<br />within said area. Said report shall be available for public inspection in the
<br />Offiae of the Clerk to the Board for at least Pour weeks prior to the date
<br />of the public hearing.
<br />BE lT FURT~R RESOLVED that at least four weeks before the data of the public
<br />- hearing a notice shall be mailed to the owners of all property located within
<br />i the proposed district which notice shall state the date, hour, and place of the
<br />~ hearing and its subject and shall include a map of the proposed district and e
<br />statement that the report setforth in the proaeeding paragraph is available far
<br />public inspection in the office of the Clerk to the Board; the notice shall also
<br />be published at least once not less than one week before the date of the hearing.
<br />upon motion of Commissioner Melvin h^iitfield, seconded by Commissioner
<br />Henry 5, Walker the resolution received the following vote:
<br />Ayes: Commissioners C. Norman Walker, Henry B. Walker, Flora Garrett, Richard
<br />E, Whitted and Melvin Whitfield.
<br />Naves: None.
<br />