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~~~J <br />Commissioner iienrg T.~alker stated that he felt that this request would have <br />to be considered as a budget item. Commissioner RicP~rd E. Whitted stated that <br />if the study was done snd the sediment cantrpl structure was built then ha felt <br />the ownership of the lard around the sediment structure could become a question. <br />Ins. Nichols stated that he could not, at this time, answer the question of <br />ownership of land as the study would reveal the amount of land that would be <br />needed for the oonstruction of the sediment basin. Commissioner Flora Garrett <br />stated that she felt a I•iemorandum of Understanding would have to be considered <br />and that said memorandum should include Resources, Conservation & Development, <br />- Drange-Alamance Water System and the County. Mr. Patterson proceeded to advise <br />the Board as to the tube-of contract that would have to be signed by all parties. <br />Commissioner Melvin Whitfield inquired if one sediment structure would take care <br />of the problem that was currently existing. P~Ir. Patterson stated gas to <br />Commissioner vlhitfield's eue'stion and reintarated that one structure would solve <br />the problem. Further discussion ensued. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, aecanded bq Commissioner Richard <br />E. '^'hitted, it was moved and adopted, that the County Administrator place the <br />matter of the $1,5D0 request from the Orange 4lamance Water System, Inc. as a <br />budget item to be considered at budget time. <br />Chairman Walker referred the Board to Item IV of the Agenda: (Appointment <br />of Trustees for Drange Grove Rural Fire Protection District.) <br />Chairman. Wa1'~er asked the Board members if they had any recommendations of <br />individuals who aould be appointed as trustees for the Grange Grove Rural Fira <br />Protection District.. <br />Commissioner Melvin Whitfield stated that there had been same talk between <br />- members of the Board, at one of their luncheon meetings, about who should be <br />Hamad as Trustees and that he had suggested the names of Robert Kirk, Edward Mar_n, <br />Jr., and Marvin Barbour. He stated that these names had been recommended to him <br />by members of the t'olunteer group that had guided the establishment of the district. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett stated that aha had been given a list of six (6) <br />names and that they included the names given by Commissioner Melvin l+Ihitfield plus <br />' the names of James T. Snipes, Mrs. F, A, Falconer and Malcolm McGirt and that she <br />recommended that James T. Snipes and Mrs. F. B, Falconer be considered as appointees <br />as Trustees for the fire district. Discussion ensued concerning the recommendations <br />that had been received. <br />Unon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, seconded by Commissioner Richard <br />E. Whitted, it was mpved that all six names be placed in nomination and that three <br />persona would be chosen from the list. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry 5, Walker, seconded by Commissioner Melvin <br />Whitfield, Robert Kink's name was placed in nomination. Mr. Kirk received five <br />votes. <br />Unon motion of Commissioner Melvin Whitfield, seconded by Commissioner Henry <br />S. Walter, Edward Mann, Jr's name was placed in nomination. Mr. Mann received <br />three votes. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Melvin l~Jhitfield, seconded by Commissioner <br />Henry S, Walker, Marvin L. Harbour's name was placed in nomination. Mr. Barbour <br />received three votes. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Flora Garrett, aecpnded by Commissioner Richard <br />E. ti'?hltted, James Snipes's name was placed in nomination. Mr. Snipes received <br />two votes. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the method in which each name was being <br />preaerted since the names of Robert Kirk, Edward Mann, Jr., and M. L. Barbour had <br />received the total number of votes that was needed fpr election. It was agreed <br />that these persona vrould be named as Trustees of the Orange Crrove Rural Fire <br />Protection District. <br />Chairman 1•:alker referred to Iten V on the Agenda: (Appointment of member <br />to Durham-Orange ^"anpower Council). <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that the Town of Hillsborough <br />had not officially named its appointee to the Durham-Crange Manpower Council, <br />however, all of the other appointees had been named. The following list was <br />submitted to the Board: <br />~ 1. Executive Director Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce: Joe Augustine <br />2. One County Commissioner: Mrs. Wayne Garrett <br />3. Representive of Agricultural Interests: Sherman Shelton <br />!~. Representative from University: Jack Gunnells <br />5. Representative from Tnduetry: Brian J. Theabuld <br />6. Appointment by Mayor of Carrboro: Donald Beswich <br />7, Appointment bq Mayor of Hillsborough: Not made at present <br />8. Consumer Representative: Phylis Barnette <br />9. Additional Appointee: Jim Godwin <br />