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22~ <br />Charles Crowder spoke in behalf of the request by saying that last years <br />program had taken at least one hundred and fifty (150) young people off the streets <br />and had provided constructive recreation for these young people during the summer <br />months. Ha urged the Hoard to adopt the proposed program. Chairman Walker <br />inquired as to the date the Hoard needed to act on the request. Mr. Williams <br />advised that an answer would be needed prior to June 10 as certain personnel <br />committments must be made in order to astute the services of the supervisors and <br />aids that would be needed. <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whitted questioned Mr. Williams on the number of <br />site locations planned in Hillsborough. Re expressed a desire to see programs <br />located at Hillsborough, rfland-Cheeks, and Cedar Grove. Mr. Williams said he could <br />not rule out the possibility of any sites. He stated that the Cedar Grave School is <br />being renovated for the Head Start Program and that based upon recommendations from <br />the Study Committee it could be then considered and programs might be instituted at <br />each site. He stated that he was of the opinion recreation facilities were needed <br />at all these places and that he was open to recommendations from the Study Group. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett questioned Mr. Williams about age grouping and the <br />supervision involved. Commissioner Richard lJhitted wanted to pursue the matter of <br />more work done at Cedar Grove. He wanted to know to what extent this would interfere -• <br />with the recreation program. Mr. Williams stated that the area needed cleaning up <br />and that the water system and bathroom facilities were not working and that the <br />problem of securing more money had not been solved. Discussion ensued concerning <br />the recommendations of the Recreation Study Committee. <br />Mrs. Ray, member of the Study Committee, replied that the committee would li'se <br />to see all three sites operated during the summer. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Richard E. Whitted, seconded by Commissioner Henry <br />S. Walker, it was moved, that the Superintendent of Schools be authorized to <br />spend up to the maximum of X11,200 on s auzr~mer recreation program and that the details <br />as to the sites of the programs be worked oat with the Recreation Study Committee. <br />Commissioner F7.ora Garrett stated that her hesitancy in voting for the motion <br />was due to the fact that the Board needed to emphasize its desire to see Recreation <br />located throughout the county, i.g. Cedar Grove, Efland-Cheeps, Hillsborough. This <br />trial would enable the county to see the need for supervised county-wide recreation. <br />Mr. Whitted stated this was intent of his motion -- seconded and it passed <br />unanimously. <br />Chairman Walker referred'the Board to Item III on the Agenda: (Mr. Robert <br />Nichols and Mr. Turner Forrest to discuss Sedimentation Control on the Watershed <br />of Orange-Alamanee Water System). ' <br />Robert Niohols, Representative of the Orange-Alamanee Water System, stated that <br />the system ha3 encountered problems that he, personally, could not explain, however, <br />Quentin Patterson of the ASCS Office would inform the Hoard sa to the technical <br />aspects of the situation. Mr. Patterson stated that the Directors of the Orange- <br />Alamance Water System approached the Soil Conservation Service in 1972 to inquire <br />about possible help with a problem of sedimentation of the Orange-Alamanee lake <br />from McGowan Creek. The major portion of the sediment deposition was at the outlet <br />of McGowan Creek. The request wsa endorsed by the Orange Sotl ar_d Water Conservation <br />District. It was submitted to and approved by the Area Steering Committee of the <br />North Central Piedmont Resource Conservation and Development Program as a project. <br />This made it eligible for RC&D funding. It became project X207 in the RC&D work <br />plan. As reeuested by the Soil Conservation Service, the Hoard of Directors of <br />Orange-Alamanee Water System furnished letters from the landowners who would be <br />involved indicating that they viewed the proposal favorably and offered their <br />cooperation in a feasibility study. The proposed structure is ~~19 of the possible <br />sites evaluated in "The Potentials for Outdoor Recreation Development in Orange <br />County." It has a drainage area of x.200 acres along the north side and roughly parallel <br />to Highway x'70 between the Eho River and Mebane. Sediment yield studies indicate <br />that 112 acre feet are needed for 100 years of sediment storage. Cross sections <br />of the valley have been made; and a profile of the atrea!n gradient. We have <br />received estimates of future municipal and industrial storage needs for consideration. <br />The next step needed is a detailed topographic survey of the notantial basin of the <br />reservoir. We propose to put the information from this survey in computerized form - <br />which will provide a variety of alternatives for selection of the most favorable by <br />the sponsors. Because of limited personnel and involvement in other projects and <br />work already underway, the Soil Conservation Service is unable to make such a survey.' <br />If the information was available we could proceed with processing it and provide the <br />sponsors with the alternatives they need in making a decision or. what appears to be <br />the beat course for them. <br />Chairman Walker inoured of Mr. Nichols exactly what he felt the Hoard could do <br />about the problem that had been 3escribed by Mr.. Patterson. Mr. Nichols stated that <br />the project described would ta'~e X1,500 to implement and that the Orange-4lamance <br />:•Iater System was not financiBelly able to support the needed study and suz^vey, <br />therefore, he was requesting the Board to donate or do whatever could be done ir_ order <br />to work out a way to pay for the employment of a privately conducted study on the <br />sediment control basin for the Eno River. Fa stated that this study and survey would <br />provide contour mans and other needed technical data in order to solve the current <br />sedimentation problem. Chairman Walker inqu;red as to haw much time was needed before <br />an answer might be given to tY.e request. Mr. Nichols stated no time limit on an <br />answer to the request had been established. Dissuasion ensued. <br />