Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 8p
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-01-1999
Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 8p
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Last modified
3/25/2009 3:02:26 PM
Creation date
3/25/2009 3:02:26 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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1999 NS Memorandum of Agreement for Providing Coordinated Site and Facility Planning
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\1990's\1999
Minutes - 19990601
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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<br />2- <br />DRAFT <br />MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT <br />FOR PROVIDING COORDINATED SITE AND FACILITY PLANNING <br />(1 of 4) <br />This agreement between the Orange County and Chapel HilU Carrboro Boazds of Education and <br />the governing Boazds of Orange County and the Towns of Chapel Hill, Cazrboro and Hillsborough <br />is intended to establish and implement a coordinated site and facility planning process for schools <br />and compatible government facilities. The purpose of the coordinated planning process is to shaze <br />information among the parties to the agreement; optimize the collocation and use of schools and <br />other public facilities in a way that builds community, provides public services where they aze <br />most needed, assures the compatibility of collocated services, and efficiently uses public <br />resources. <br />This agreement recognizes the existence of two school districts -the Chapel HilUCarrboro School <br />District and the Orange County School District - and a Schools and Land Use Council for each <br />district. Decisions on collocation of facilities in the Chapel Hi1UCarrboro School District may <br />involve the Chapel HilUCarrboro Board of Education and any or all of the following units of local <br />government: the Town of Chapel Hill, the Town of Carrboro, and Orange County. Decisions on <br />collocation of facilities in the Orange County School District may involve the Orange County <br />Board of Education and one, or both, of the following units of local government: the Town of <br />Hillsborough and Orange County. Wherever possible, agreement/cooperation across school <br />district lines shall be pursued. <br />To further these goals, the Orange County and Chapel HiIU Carrboro Boards of Education and the <br />governing Boards of Orange County and the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough do <br />hereby agree to the following sepazate and shared responsibilities for coordinated facility planning <br />to the extent that it does not delay time critical construction of either school or government <br />facilities. These statements of responsibilities are intended to be consistent with all applicable laws <br />and regulations; where they are not, they are superseded by those applicable laws and regulations. <br />Specifically, this agreement is not intended to supersede the statutory authority of either Board of <br />Education to select school sites or to build, maintain or,repair school facilities or the other <br />governing Boards to approve the amounts to be spent for sites and to determine the funds available <br />for school and county or municipal facilities. This agreement does not supersede local <br />government planning and zoning authority and/or land use planning and zoning requirements. <br />I. The Orange County and/or Chapel HilUCarrboro Boards of Education will: <br />A Identify appropriate site criteria for public school facilities; and <br />B. Identify interior and exterior space and exterior site requiremerns for school facilities; and <br />C. Begin a planning process after the internaUexternal space needs for collocated facilities aze <br />determined; and <br />
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