Orange County NC Website
* -The independent auditors' report of Deloitte &Touche I,I.P should not be <br />included or incorporated by reference in any client prepared docua-ent <br />without the express written permission of Deloitte &Touche I+LP. <br />10. After completing his audit. the Auditor shall wbmit to the Governing Bosh a written report of audit This report shall include, at <br />Icast. the financial statements of the governmental unit and all of its component units and notes thereto prepared in seeoManee <br />++ith generall;• accepted accounting principles, combining and supplementary information rtxluested by the client or required for <br />full disclosure under the law, and the auditor's opinion on the material presented. The Auditor shall furnish the required number <br />of copies of the report of audit to the Governing Boats as soon as practical after the close of the aecoundng period. <br />l I. The Auditor shall file with the Loal Govcrnmrnt Commission twro copies of the report of sudi4 including one copy of the <br />federal Data Collection Form, if a kdcral single audit is eonducttd. Twro copies of the report of audit should be wbmittexl if on <br />audit is required to be performed only under the tt:quircments oC the State Single Audit lmplcmentation As or a financial audit is <br />required to be performed in aaoMana with Government Auditine ShndaMs. Otherwise. one copy shall be wbmittt:d. Copies of <br />the report shall be filed with the Loaf Government Commission when (or prior to) wbmitting the invoice for the seniees <br />rrndered. All copies of the report wbmitted must be bound. The report of audit, as filed with the Setxetary of the Loaf <br />Government Commission, becomes a matter of public record for inspection and review in the offices of the Seerctaq• by any <br />interested panics. Any subsequent revisions to these rcporu must be sent to the Seeraary of the Lotatl Government Commission. <br />These audited financial statemea+u arc used in the preparation of Official Sutements for debt offerings, by municipal bond rating <br />services, and to fulfill secondaq• market disclosure requiremenu of the Securities and Exchange Commission. <br />12. Should circumstance disclosed by the audit all for a more detailed investigation by the Auditor than nacssary under ordinary <br />circumstances. the Auditor shall inform the Governing Boats in writing of the need for wch additional im•estigation and the <br />additional compensation required therefor. Upon approval by the Seerctuy of the Loal Governmrnt Commission, this <br />a,recment may be varied or changed to include the increased time and/or compensuion as may be agreed upon by the Governing <br />Boud and the Auditor. <br />13. If an approved e:ontraa nods to be varied or changed for any reason, the change must be reduced to writing, signed by both <br />panic, prcaudited if necessaq•, and wbmitted to the Seeeetary of the Local Governmrnt Commission for approval. 'n n <br />shall he effcsi+e unless annmved M• the Sccrctan• of the 1 excel Government Commiccinn the Gm•emine RnaM and the <br />A r <br />I~. N'heneer the Auditor uses an engagement khter with the client. Items 9 and IS may be completed by referencing the <br />engagement later and attaching a copy of the engagemeat Inter to the contract to incorporate the engagement letter imo the <br />contras. In ease of eemAis henvexn the terms of the engagement later and the terms of this contract. the terms of this contract <br />will cnntml. Gnga,ctncnt Icner tcrnts arc deemed to he told unless the conflicting terms of this eontms arc sp+xifieally dclscd <br />in Item 21 of this contras. l:ngagemcr+t fellers containing inden+nifiation clauus will not be approved by the Local Govemttkttt <br />Commission. <br />1 S. Tltcre arc m+ special provisions except: See attached engagement letter <br />Ifs. A separrtc eontnct should tint be made for taeh division to be audited or report to be wbmiUCd. A separate contras must be <br />c~eeuted for each component unit which is a local government and for which a separate audit report is issued <br />17. 1'he contras should be executed sod submitted in trinlieate to the Secrctar)• of the Local Government Commission. 323 North <br />Salisbury Street. Raleigh. North Carolina 27603.13g3. <br />Ig. upon approval, the original contras will be rctumrd to the Govcmntenwl Unit. a copy will be fontaMed to tho Auditor. and a <br />copy retained by the Seerctan• of the Local Goveroet><m Commission. Thc audit should ntu he staved before the eemtms is <br />arnrm•ed. <br />19. err. no ntluv a=r~titttrnts helaaro the panics hcrso and no other agrmnents relative hereto that shall he cnforccahlc unless <br />entered into in arcnrdancc eeidt the procedure set out ht.7cin and appro+cd M~ the Sarctaq• of the Letal Ga+~Kttnxrtt <br />Contmixxinn. <br />10. If this audit cngagt.•+nrnt ix nee suhjes to Gn.cmttnnt Auditine Standards, then hem S shall he listed at a ddetcd provision in <br />hem 21. An ~~planatiat muxt he givrn Fitt dclsing this pros ision. <br />.1. All of the shove paragraphs arc undcrxtetod and shall apply to this agrcctttcttt. e~ccpt the following numht:rcd parogmphs slwll be <br />Deloitte &Touche LLP <br />Aad+fan <br />tt.• K. Alan Lonbome Partner <br />~ 1lkWhlKerMN+we1 <br />_~~/jy/ 1 <br />!)ate -/ <br />Al+pnwKd M• the Seeraary of the Local Govanttttan <br />Commissar u prm•ided in Aside 3. Chapter 159 of Wes <br />General Statutes or Aniek 31. Pan 3. Chapter 11 SC of the <br />Cameral Stutttes. <br />Fa the aee+eta7. toed enttaea Cawiedea <br />(4aaaurel <br />I )ate <br />Orange Countye North Carolina <br />a ntt <br />ey Alice M. Gordon, Chair <br />(1'kaet types x ptiat awe led it <br />(Sipeatre of atrnr tr i of po.Yminp btntd) <br />Due <br />This inswment has been preaudited in the tttamta required b)• <br />The (.sal Government Budges and Final Control Aa a bg dte <br />School Dudga and Final Control Aa. <br />Kenneth T. Chavious <br />GeaentatenW Unit Fiawee Officer IPleae +Ype err pries aaatel <br />(Siptuttrel <br />Dare <br />pheaudit CMilia9la' m~a to J,tteJ.I <br />3 <br />