1999 S Finance - Deloitte & Touche Audit Contract 06-01-1999 - 8m
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1999 S Finance - Deloitte & Touche Audit Contract 06-01-1999 - 8m
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10/10/2012 3:12:28 PM
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3/25/2009 2:46:34 PM
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Agenda - 06-01-1999 - 8m
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April 26, 1999 <br />Orange County, North Cazolina <br />Page 6 <br />reference to Deloitte &Touche LLP, in such document before the document is printed and <br />distributed. The inclusion or incorporation by reference of our report in any such document <br />would constitute the reissuance of our report and any request by the County to reissue our <br />report or to consent to its inclusion or incorporation by reference in an offering or other <br />document will be considered based on the facts and circumstances existing at the time of such <br />request. The estimated fees outlined herein do not include any services that would need to be <br />performed in connection with any such request to make use of our report, or reference to <br />Deloitte &Touche LLP; fees for such services (and their scope) would be subject to our mutual <br />agreement at such time and would be described in a sepazate engagement letter. <br />Other Communications Arising From the Audit <br />In connection with the planning and the performance of our audit, generally accepted auditing <br />sandazds and Government Auditing Standards require that we ensure that certain matters are <br />communicated to management and members of the Board. We will report directly to the <br />members of the Boazd any fraud of which we become aware that involves senior management, <br />and any fraud (whether caused by senior management or other employees) of which we <br />become awaze that causes a material misstatement of the general purpose financial statements. <br />We will report to senior management any fraud perpetrated by lower level employees of which <br />we become aware that does not cause a material misstatement of the general purpose financial <br />statements; however, we will not report such matters directly to the Boazd, unless otherwise <br />directed by the Boazd. <br />We will inform the appropriate level of management of the County and ensure that the Board <br />is adequately informed with respect to illegal acts that have been detected or have otherwise <br />come to our attention in the course of our audit, unless the illegal act is cleazly <br />inconsequential. <br />If, after determining that the Boazd has been adequately informed of an illegal act that has <br />been detected or which has otherwise come to our attention in the course of our audit, we <br />conclude that (1) the illegal act has a material effect on the general purpose financial <br />statements; (2) senior management has not taken, and the Boazd has not caused senior <br />management to take, timely and appropriate remedial actions with respect to the illegal act; <br />and (3) the failure to take appropriate remedial actions is likely to result in a departure from <br />the standazd auditors' report or warrant our resignation from the audit engagement, we will <br />directly report our conclusions to the Boazd and take such actions as aze required by state or <br />federal law to report such matters to funding agencies and appropriate legal authorities. <br />
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