Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />The following Resolution was presented: <br />RESOLUTION RATTFYTNG AND APPROVING MANPOWER SERVICES PROGRAp2 <br />CONSORTIUM CONTRACT. <br />"WHEREAS, the United States Congress has enacted the Comprehensive <br />Employment and Training Aat of 1973 and has stated that the purpose of <br />said Aat is to provide job training and employment opportunities for <br />eeonomi.cally disadvantaged, unemployed, and under-employed persons, and <br />to insure that training and other services lead to maximum employment <br />opportunities and enhanced self-sufficiency by establishing a flexible <br />and decentralized system of Federal, State and Local programs; and <br />WHEREAS, under the provisions of said Comprah®nsive Employment and ~ <br />Training Act of 1973, the Secretary of Labor is authorized to make <br />financial assistance available to prime sponsors as defined in such Aat <br />for the purposes of carrying out all or a substantial part of a Comprehensive <br />Manpower Program; and <br />WfiEREAS, the Department of Labor has through its regulations, <br />encouraged the combination of units of local government in multi- <br />jurisd3.ctionel agreements for the purpose of forming Consortia to carry out <br />Comprehensive Manpower Services on 8 multi-jurisdictional basis; and <br />WHEREAS, the area aonaiating of Durham County and Orange County, <br />said area containing a population of 190,388, consists of a labor market <br />area broader than the single jurisdiction of th3.s Body; and <br />WHERF9S, auah labor market area consists primarily of the City of <br />Durham and the Counties of Durham and Orange; and <br />WHEREAS, ouch Counties aonetitute an economically 3ntergrated <br />geographical unit within which workers may readily change jobs without <br /> their place of residence; and <br />WHEREAS, it is deemed by this Governing Body to be in the public <br />interest that a Consortium be formed by the Counties of Durham and Orange <br />and the City of Durham for the purpose of acting as prime sponsor for <br />receiving monies, implementing a multi-jurisdictien Manpower Services <br />Program, and otherwise complying with the provisions of the Comprehensive <br />Employment and Training Act of 1973 and applicable Federal regulations <br />incident thereto; now, therefore, - <br />BE TT RESDLVED BY <br />name of govern ng body <br />Section 1. Puxauant to the provisions of Article 20 of Chapter 160A <br />of the North Carolina General Statutes, a Contract by and between the <br />Counties of Durhan and Orange and the City of Durham, implementing the <br />Consortium Agreement hereinabove referred to, said Contract being attached <br />to this Resolution and made a part hereof, is 'hereby ratified and approved. <br />Sea. 2. The is hereby <br />name of chief recording officer <br />directed to spread a copy of this Resolution upon the Minutes of this Body. <br />Sec. 3. The is hereby <br />name of chief recur ng o f_cer <br />directed to furnish a certified cepy of this Resolution to the other parties <br />to said Contract. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Commissioner <br />Molvin Whitfield.the Resolution entitled "Resolution Ratifying and Approvir_g <br />i•Ianpower Services Program Consortium Contract" was unanimously adopted. <br />Chairman Stalker refereed to Item IV of the Agenda: (Will the Board of <br />County Commissioners waive the 30 day time limitation for an appeal to the <br />State Property Tax Commission and allow Marvin iTorwood~a appeal to be heard <br />by that agency.) <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that he was of the opinion <br />that a previous precedent had been set as other cit$zens who had appealed <br />after the expiration date for appeals had beer, inforared that the date for <br />the appeals had axnired. <br />Discussion ensued as to what could legally be done about the request. <br />