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.:~. <br />` "'6 <br />7. Final plat of Brickwood Laka Estate, Phases I & II, Chapel sill <br />Township, dated February, 197!}, property of Rill atone Properties, Inc. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by Cammiasioner <br />Melvin Whitfield, said plats were approved, <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item V of the Agenda: (Select date to convene <br />and adjourn Board of Equalization and Review.) <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that it Gould not hold its first <br />meeting as a Board of $ualization and Review before the first Monday in April, <br />however, it must hold a meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review sometime <br />in May and must adjourn the Board by the end of June. Mr. Gattis stated that an <br />advertisement must be run noti log the public of the meeting of the Board of <br />Equalization and Review ten (10 days prior to the convening of said Board. <br />Discussion ensued. It was agreed that the first meeting of the Board of <br />Equalization and Review would be held on April lb. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item VI of the Agenda: (Resolution approving <br />Manpower Services Program Consortium Contract.) <br />The Contrast entitled "Consortium Agreement was reviewed. Section eight (8) <br />"Duties of Council: was brought forth for discussion. .Disouasion ensued. The <br />County Attorney was requested to clarify the language of the contract in order <br />to refloat the definiticn that Orange County~s share of the financial cast be <br />on a population basis. It was also brought out that the appointment of the <br />membership of the Advisory Council was not clear and that the duties of the <br />Council ware not specific. The County Administrator presented the proposed <br />composition of the membership from Drange County. <br />The County Attorney was instructed to re-draft the section and to spell <br />out the duty of appointment to the Advisory Board and tc clarify the pro-ratio <br />share of financial responsibility. Section eight ($) is to be amended in order <br />to reserve the power of local determination for each County Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Melvin Whitfield, seconded by Commissioner Henry <br />S. Walker, it was moved that the Resolution entitled "Resolution of Orange County <br />Ratifying and Approving Manpower Services Program Consortium Contract" be <br />adopted subject to the proposed amendments being incorporated into the proposed <br />contract. Discussion ensued. <br />It was agreed that Section seven (7) should provide that the local membership <br />from each county should be appointed by the reapeetive Board of Commissioners and <br />that Section eleven (11) should be further clarified. It was further agreed that <br />Orange County should have the final. decision as to whether or not local County <br />funds should be committed`iri the.evant local funds are necessary and that if the <br />County should choose it aould withdraw from the Manpower Program by giving ninety <br />(90) days notice of its intent to withdraw. <br />Commissioner Melvin 'rhitfield withdrew his tt~otion as he felt the County Attorney <br />should re-draft the Contrast and the 3oard should review the new draft. <br />Commissioner Henry S. Walker agreed to the withdrawal of said motion. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item VII of the Agenda: (Consideration of <br />make up and appointees to Manpower Council.) <br />The County Administrator reviewed the possible makeup o£ the various business <br />and professional groups that should be represented on the Manpower Council. <br />Chairman ~dalker asked if there was any other business that should come before <br />the Board. <br />Commissioner Richard E. Whitted stated that he had been approached by the <br />Animal Control Officer with the request that the Board authprize this employee <br />to tirear a badge and carry a aide arm and he wished also to have a radio installed <br />in his vehicle. Commissioner Whitted said he knew that the officer had talked <br />with some other Board members and he wanted the Boards reaction to this request. <br />Dissuasion ensued. <br />Commissioner Walker said Mr. Boggs had talked with him about the matter and <br />that he was not aura &s to what action could be taken on the request. <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that the County is trying to secure <br />a new radio freauancy however, he has been advised that same could not be secured <br />for at least three (3j months and that once the new Praauency is secured the' <br />county can utilize the radio equinarent that is now being used by the Sheriffs <br />Department. <br />Tt was agreed that the County Attorney should review the Genera]. Statutes <br />relative to the matter of authorizing the Animal Control Officer to wear a side arm. <br />