Orange County NC Website
4a-3 <br /> <br />comments ~n ~~~ ~~~7 L~ra~ ~~s ~ ,~4r~~n ~~s~rvoir F~~~ ~ a~ 5 <br />9~1712~~7 <br />7~ g~cultu~re - The relatian~hip hetvvee~ the puxpoe in section .~~~ ~~~ and the <br />standard Fs to ~~ innplemented ~ Section .~~~~ ' is unclear* "his is especially <br />true ~ consideration, ~ ~ statement that, "in~piern~~.tinn may have occurred at any <br />tune before during, or aver the baseline perEad." Yt Wu~ld seam that e prol~abilxty <br />of reduoig nutrients from ag~oule suciently to achieve the nonpoint source <br />nutrient targets under this ru.Ie is small. This under~es the nonpoint source nutrient <br />reduction stt`ateg~ as a Whole. ,urthernnore, agricultural sources generate ni~roge~ <br />credits h iruple~nenting and BAP iu addition to the fist provided . Section ~~~~ <br />~7~~a}. ~ providing a tbresh~id tc generate ni~ragen e~edits that ~e~rs na reiatianship <br />to the nutrient reduct~.on targets, agrtcu.ltural sources mad be generating spurious <br />cxedi~ a~u~her reducia~g the effectiveness ~~~ e nonpot source ~ut~e~at reductic~ <br />strategy. ~ign`xeultural uses should have to meet cha~ag~s related to the ~~~~ baseline <br />as is proposed far all other uses. ~theise, the moles should be nnodi~ed to allav~ <br />any athex uses vcrhose actions prior to ~~ ~ can be shoes to have grater ~uali <br />~3~~~f1ts t~ ~'eCe~ve ~r~~lt for those ~.~t10n5. <br />8~ ~`iscal impacts ~-The estin~a~ted costs, ~.s hx~h as they are a~ready# still appear to <br />grossl~r under~sti~nate the full cast of irnple~ne~ting the rule as mitten. <br />a. direct casts which are not yet fully noted appear to include monitorg <br />and enforcenr~ent activities both to the local gQvemeut and citizens, and <br />prospective de~relopers. Zn and oftberr~selves, these casts are expected to <br />sign~cantiy exceed the esthnates provided..dditianal costs are <br />expected, but will got be la~rn until the'ro~vn prepares its pregram and <br />deter~es what types of actions gill be needed tv achieve the requited <br />nutrient reductions fronn e.isting development. <br />h. direct cosh may be of a lamer naaguitude and .elude icst ~ reve~,ue, <br />gross receipts and other funds associated with land taken out ofthe p~.vate <br />supply to ~.stalx hest mar~agennent practices to~rards achieving the nutrient <br />reductions for estg deveiopruer~t, aid ia~ develaprnent and b~.ilding <br />that does riot occur because interested developers choose to locate <br />~isewhere where requirements are less stringent and lager densities <br />encohrage mere vehicle miles travel. <br />c. l~~vixo~ental casts associated Wig spravrling land use that is <br />encouraged, par~icularl~ in less developed por~ioaas of the Jordan f,al~e <br />watershed, Such cQSts rvil~ ~clude at ~. m~mumy water q~ali impacts <br />frame riparzan. buffer and swr~`ace v~ater alteration and ren~o~ral and <br />insuf ~cieut replacement, continued and expanded air quality i~~acts ~e,g. <br />atmospheric ni~rogen~ £ram increased vehicle miles ~aveted, reductions in <br />land available far ag~.culture, forests, open space, and wildlife. fracturing <br />the forests far lav~~i~tensity land uses is Dawn to result in signi£~cant <br />reductions in biological diversity ofpl~.nt and anirnalsF ... <br />d. .~.inistrative casts associated v~i~ tracl~~g the compliance of local <br />gove.~ane~.ts With the rule. '~,v will pay for thls data collectio.u, <br />rnanitaring, tracl~n, plan review, et cetera The stated assumption that <br />the ~'~ can a~hsorb these costs into aaa already' overbaal~ed and <br />undersed ageucy seems eccedingl~r apti,~sc~ t a inimum~ <br />caurdination ofthis effort ~rould seem to require dne ~stallation of <br />3~~ V1Jest ~~ir~ 5t~eet, Carrboro~ NC ~7~9~ <br />AN E~IJAL OPP~R~'~Nf~Y E~[PL~Y~R <br />