Orange County NC Website
4a-1 AGENDA #4a1 <br /> <br /> <br />TOWN OF CARRBORO <br /> <br />~ia~ Cantina ~nv~re~nentai. anaement Commission <br />cla Bch Camton or Jasan ~obion <br />~E~t]i~is~on of watex duality, Piannta~~ 5eetioa <br />~ ~~'~ a~~ ervi~e Center, .Raie~gilf C ~76~~-~ ~t 7 <br />near ,embers of the ~, <br />Thank tau ~e~r much far this appaa~.t~ to review and consent on. the pxopased nut~ent <br />management sate for the ~. ~. ~~rdan ~ese~oir. The Tows ap~recxates the word of the <br />cat~uittee ~ seeding the pratect~on and anaen~ent of'arth Cara~ta's iri~aib~e uatura~ <br />~csources, ommen on bofh ~.~ larch ~~~~` draft ~ aid the Fecal Ar~a~,~,sis grepar~d b <br />the stofthe forth Caro~,a. T~~visioaa ofwater ~ ire fisted below. representatives of <br />the T~w~ will also be on~~iand to pr~~ride caa~unen during the Juts ~~ public hearing .t the <br />Ca~rban Cc~.tu~r Centex. <br />x . enerai ~- section .a~~ ~G}~a of the moles s.tes that, "r€~~es .~~~5} .O~G~, .a~~7, <br />.4~dS s aid , a~~9 shah ap~Iy~ t~ a1i incoarporated mu~icipalzties w~~ tho ~`ordan <br />watershed as ide~ttied by the ice o~`the ecre aftate." owever~ ~ r~~e <br />goes an to state that, `{thane xnu~txcipaiit~e sha~~ ~ctude," and provides . fist of <br />municipaixties,'~he ~ruZe shauid be madded so that it daes not ~clude a first of any <br />runicipa~ities~ instead the phrase, "shah apply to ati ~mur~icipaiities within tt~e ~ar~ar~ <br />watershed a xdenti~ed by tha ice of the secretary of State," shauid cvniro~. <br />ewiy incorporated municipatities within the ~arda~ tae watershed, aid <br />un~cipalit~es previously outside of the Gordan. tae watershed but that ann.e~ <br />proPe with. the Jordan. ~a~e watershed, rnus~ became subject to the rule. <br />~. General - arrbaro's lang~staudi~g ea~t7rnen~t to watershed protection through Rand <br />use planning and de~elopz~ent anagenent s~rateg~es in the ye~xs p~iar to ~~0 ~ <br />n~a~es it di."~cuit to dv .ore without raising the east of diving sig~i~~caut~y ax Baer <br /> new graw~h, This effect stands to ur~de~nniue the regional cartiu~ient, as <br />defined i~ the faint slang .~reement between ~rar~ge Count~- and the Tvw~.s of <br />Chapel ill and Car~rboro, ofthe rna~i~atian of urban ser~lces within a deemed <br />baundar~r. Two cut~ent examples af~e Town's camrni~ueut to watershed protection. <br />include the Galin ree watershed estoratian. Teams., and the xee~ause has <br />~ssious ~n~renta and eduetiou piar~nin ffvz~. <br />~~~ ~~s~ Main tree#, ~arr~~ro, NC 2T51~ <br />AN CiQ~A~, ~~~a1~~UN~TY' irMPi~~Y~R <br />