Orange County NC Website
a~~zs~~ans <br />F'Y 2QQ9-~0 Budget Planning <br />Scenario 3. Rea[ Propertyr.ValuesUnehanged from 2~p8 Values, Property Tax Rate Remains <br />at FY 20D8-~9 Approved Rate of 99.8 Cents Per $~ 08 <br />Annual General Fund Revenue <br />Assumed Tax Rate 99.8 cents per $~ 08 <br />valuation <br />1n Millinn~ of <br /> FY 2gg8•q9 FY 20g9.1q Difference <br />Recurrin Revenue $179.70 $158.00 $11,70 <br />Non-Recurrin Revenue <br />A ro rioted Fund Balance X2,00 $0.00 $2.00 <br />Deferred Capital Projects $1.30 $0.00 ($1,30) <br />Total Anticipated Genera! Fund Revenue $183.80 $168.00 =$ <br />Available for Appropriation <br />Allocation of Anticipated FY 2~~9-~ ~ Generaf Fund Revenue Available for <br />Appropriation Between County and Schaofs <br />Schools County <br />46.1 °/° 51.9°/a <br />In Millions of Dollars $60.61 $87.19 <br />Schools - Far FY 2089.10 assumes 48.1°/° of total anticipated General Fund revenue available far <br />appropriation (Gaunty Targe# Percen#age Does No# Include Funding for Durham Tech in Calculation of 48. ~ °6 <br />Target} <br />In Millions of $ <br /> FY 2088-q9 FY 2009.1q Difference <br />Total School Fundin ~~} $88.53 $80.81 ($7.72) <br />5choo) Related Debt Service (Mandated $19 57 $18 50 <br />x$0'97) <br />Appropriation; Na DollarDiscretian} <br />Recurring Cap~al (MandatedAppropria~an, $2.57 $3.00 $0.43 <br />Discretionary Dollars) <br />!-ong Range Capital (Mandy#ed X4.82 ~4.3p x$0.52) <br />Appropriation, Discretonary Dollars} <br />Fair Funding (Nan Mandy#edAppropriatian} $0.99 $0.99 $0.00 <br />Current Expense (MandatedAppropriatlan, ~s0.58 $53.92 <br />x$5.55} <br />Discretionary Dollars} <br />Total School Fundin $88.53 $Bq.81 $7.72 <br />°/° of County Genera! Fund 48.4% 48.1 <br />~~} Does riot include add~ional County funding for School Health Nursing Initiative, School Social Workers, School <br />Resource Dffcers~. Total Education appropriation °/° far FY 2008-09 including these components totaled 49.3°/°. <br />Calculation of Current ExpenselPer Pupil Appropriation <br />FY 2008-p9 FY 2gg9.1 q E~~ Difference <br />Projected # of Students 18,932 18,896 34 <br />Projected Per Pupil Allaca#ion $3,x00 $2,883 [$347 <br />~~} Preliminary projections; certified projection numbers from NG Department of Instruction will not be released until <br />mid-to-late March <br />County -Assumes 51.9°/° of Total Anticipated Generaf Fund Revenue Available for Appropriation <br />In Millions of ~ <br />FY 2808.09 FY 2009.10 Difference <br />Revenue Available far County operations <br />Far FY 2089-10, assumes 51.9°/° of Tataf $94.47 $87.99 x$7.28) . <br />Anticipated General Fund Revenuej <br />°/° of County General Fund ~ 51.6°/°! 51. <br />