Orange County NC Website
~~6~ ~ei~ ~- ~~ <br />a~~zslzaos <br />FY 2~D9~4 Budget Planning <br />Scenario 2. Real Property Values Increased Due to 2009 Revaluation, Real Property Dwners <br />Whose Property Increased 24°/a ar Less ~cvmpared to 2008 valuations) "Held Harmless" <br />Annual Genera! Fund Revenue <br />Assumed Tax Rate 80.5 cents per $100 <br />valuatron <br />1n Millinn.c of <br /> FY 2006-Q9 FY 2009.10 Difference <br />Recurrin Revenue $179.70 $155.30 $13.40 <br />Non-Recumn Revenue <br />A ro rioted Fund Balance $2.00 $0.00 $2.00 <br />Deferred Capital F~rajects $1.30 $0.00 ~$1.30~ <br />Total Anticipated General Fund Revenue ~163A0 $1fifi.30 <br />016.70) <br />Available far Appropriation <br />Allacatian of Anticipated FY 2009.14 Genera! Fund Revenue Available for <br />Appropriation Between County and Schools <br />Schools County <br />48,1°/0 51,9°/u <br />In Millions of Dollars $79.99 $85.31 <br /> <br /> <br />Appropnatron; No Dollar Dlscretron} <br />Recumng Capital (MandatedAppropriatlcan, $2.57 $3.00 <br />D[scretianary Da[lars} <br />i»,ong Range Capita[ {Mandated $4.82 $4.30 <br />Appropriation, Discrefronary Dollars} <br />Fair i=unding (Nan MandatedAppmpriatian} $0.99 $0,99 <br />Current Expense {MandatedApprapriatian, $50.58 $53,10 <br />Discretionary Dollars} <br />Total School Fundnn $66.53 $79.99 <br />°/° of County Genera) Fund 48.4°/° 48.1°/° <br />$0,43 <br />~$0.52~ <br />$0.00 <br />x$7.48} <br />($8:54} <br />~~} Daes not include additional County funding for School Flealth Nursing Initiative, Schval Social Workers, Schaal <br />Resource Officers}. Total Education appropriation °/° far FY 2008-09 including these components totaled 49.3°/°. <br />Calculation of Current IrxpenselPer Pupil Appropriation <br />FY 2006.09 FY 2009.10 ~~~ Difference <br />Protected # of Students 18,932 18,898 =34~ <br />Projected Per Pupil Allocation ~ $3,200 $Z,610~ ($390J <br />~~} Preliminary projections; certified prc~jectian numbers from NC Department of Instrucfian will not tae released until <br />mid-ta-late March <br />County -Assumes 51.9°/° of Total An#icipated General Fund Revenue Available for Appropriation <br />!n Millions of <br />FY 2006.09 FY 200910 Difference <br />Revenue Available for County.4perations <br />(For FY 2009-10, assumes 51.9°/° of Total $9447 $86.31 ($8.15 <br />Anticipated General Fund Revenue] <br />Schools - Far FY 2009-10 assumes 48.1 °/° of total anticipated General Fund revenue available for <br />appropriation (County Target Percentage Does Nat Include Funding far Durham Tech rn Calculattan of 48.1 <br />Target} <br /> In Ml[licans ref $ <br /> FY 2006.09 FY 2009.10 Difference <br />Total Schval Fundin t~) $68.53 $79.99 ~$8.54~ <br />School Related Debt Service (Mandated $19,57 $18.fi0 ($0.97 <br />°/° of County General Fund ~ 51.6°/°~ 51. <br />