Orange County NC Website
a~~2s~zoo~ <br />I~Y ZDD9~~D Budget planning <br />SCenarlD 'l. Real Property Values Increased Due to 209 Revaluation, All Properties <br />Assessed Revenue Neutral Tax Rate <br />Annual General Fund Revenue <br />Assumed Tax Rate ~~ cents per $~ ~0 <br />valuat~vn <br />In Millions of ~ <br /> FY 2008.09 FY 2009.10 Difference <br />Recurrin Revenue $179.70 $174.30 $a.40 <br />Non-Recurrin Revenue <br />A ro riated Fund Balance $2.00 ~O.Op $2.00 <br />peferred Capkal Prajects $1.30 $0.00 ($1.30} <br />Total Anticipated General Fund Revenue $183.00 $174.30 ~$8.70y <br />Available far Appropriation <br />Allocation of Anticipated FY 2009»10 General Fund Revenue Available for <br />Appropriation Between County and Schools <br />Schools County <br />48.1 °/° 51.9n/° <br />In Milions of Dollars $83.84 $90.45 <br />Schools - Far FY 2009-10 assumes 48.1°/° of total anticipated General Fund revenue available far <br />apprapriatlon (County Targe# Percentage Does Nat [nclude Funding for Durham Tech in Ca1culativn of 48.1 <br />Tinge#) <br />in Millions of ~ <br /> FY 2008-09 FY 2009.10 Difference <br />Tots! Schaal Fundir~ ~~~ $88.53 $83.84 ($4.fi9y <br />School Related Dept Service (Maeda#ed $19.5T $18.50 ($0.97j <br />Appropria#ron; No Dollar Discretion} <br />Recurring Capital (MandatedAporopriation, <br />" $.2.57 $3.00 $0.43 <br />onary Dollars} <br />Discrefr <br />Long Range Capital ~Manda#ed <br />" $4.62 $4.30 <br />($0.52 <br />on, Discretionary Dollars} <br />Appropriatr <br />Fair Funding (Non Mandy#edAppropriativn} $0.99 $0,99 $OAO <br />Current Expense (Maeda#edAppropriation, $50.58 $55.95 ($3.53) <br />Discretionary Dollars} <br />Total School Fundin $88,53 $83.84 $4.69 <br />°I° of County General Fund 48.4°I° 48.1 °I° <br />~~~ Does eat include additional County funding for Schaol Health Nursing Initiative, School Social Workers, School <br />Resource Officers~. Total Education appropriation °/° for FY 2006-09 including these components totaled 49.3°/°. <br />Calculation of Current ExpenselPer Pupil Apprapriatian <br />FY 2008.09 FY 2009.10 E~1 Difference <br />Pro'ected # of Students 18,932 18,898 34 <br />Projected Per Pupil Allocation $3,200 $3,014 ($186} <br />~2~ Preliminary prvjeciivns; certified prajee#ivn numbers from NC Department of instruction will eat be released until <br />mid-tv-late March <br />County -Assumes 51.9°/° of Total Anticipated General Fund Revenue Available far Appropriation <br />In Millions of $ <br />FY 2008.09 FY 2009-10 Difference <br />Revenue Available far County ~peratians <br />(Far FY 2009.10, assumes 51.9°/° of Total $94.47 $90.45 ($4.01 j <br />Anticipated General Fund Revenue} <br />°~° of County General Fund 51r6°/°~ 51. <br />