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2 <br />regarding specific school programs/initiatives ultimately are the prerogative of the two school <br />boards). The "blue sheets" have been used as the mechanism for affording the BOCC a <br />concise and consistent comparison between the two school systems' funding requests. They <br />are provided as a means of focusing discussion on the important elements of the schools' <br />requests for increased funding. <br />Following the Manager's presentation, OCS representatives will present information to the <br />BOCC regarding their budget request. Time is allotted for dialogue between the BOCC and the <br />Orange County Board of Education concerning the funding request. Following that, CHCCS <br />representatives will make their presentation and engage in a similar dialogue with the BOCC. <br />Earlier this spring, the Manager conveyed to the Superintendents, both orally and in writing, the <br />BOCC's request that the school systems collaborate to present their budget requests in - <br />identical format. The two school boards' budget documents were provided to the BOCC several <br />weeks ago. The Manager sent the memo at Attachment 3 requesting that the two school staffs <br />provide additional information (to supplement the "blue sheets") to enhance the BOCC's ability <br />to more easily compare and contrast the two school systems' funding requests. The <br />Superintendents have provided the documents noted below in response to the specific requests <br />in the Manager's June 1 memo. The corresponding sections from the original OCS or CHCCS <br />budget document (where applicable) have been copied and placed immediately following the <br />newly formatted information from OCS or CHCCS (where applicable) for ease of reference for <br />the BOCC. The schools' information is transmitted without County staff analysis or editing due <br />to time constraints in the agenda production process. Staff hope nonetheless that the <br />information will provide further clarification by object comparison. <br />■ Changes in Local Fund Budget — Attachment 4 <br />• CHCCS reformatting (pages 4-1 through 4-5) <br />■ OCS original budget extract (pages 4-6 through 4-10) <br />■ Recurring Capital Budget Detail — Attachment 5 <br />■ CHCCS detail (pages 5-1through 5-30) <br />■ OCS original budget extract (pages 5-31 through 5-40) <br />■ Personnel Request Summary — Attachment 6 <br />■ CHCCS summary (page 6-1) <br />■ OCS original budget extract (pages 6-2 through 6-12) <br />■ Local Fund Summary of Requested Funding Increases — Attachment 7 <br />■ CHCCS original budget extract (pages 7-1 through 7-21) <br />■ OCS reformatting (pages 7-22 through 7-31) <br />Personnel Budget <br />During April and May 1999 budget work sessions, the BOCC conducted a detailed review of <br />requests for new staff resources, and confirmed the major elements of the employee pay and <br />benefits plan through the year 2000-2001. Time is allotted for the Board to deliberate and make <br />final approval/disapproval decisions regarding each request for new staff resources. Detailed <br />