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<br />Resolution Concerning Senate Bi111164 <br />(An Act to Establish Consolidated Metropolitan Planning Organizations) <br />WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1164 is titled "An Act to Establish Consolidated Metropolitan Planning Organizations Under <br />State Law;" and <br />WHEREAS, the purpose of Senate Bill 1164 is to ensure that Metropolitan Planning Organizations are established under <br />State law in a manner consistent with federal law; and <br />WHEREAS, another stated purpose of Senate Bill 1164 is to encourage better regional planning; and <br />WHEREAS, to the extent possible, in accordance with Senate Bill 1164 only one Metropolitan Planning Organization <br />would be designated for each region; and <br />WHEREAS, two Metropolitan Planning Organizations currently exist in the Triangle Region, the Durham-Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization <br />(CAMPO); and <br />WHEREAS, the DCHC MPO is comprised of representatives from the City of Durham, the Towns of Chapel Hill, <br />Carrboro and Hillsborough, the Counties of Durham, Orange and Chatham and NCDOT; and <br />WHEREAS, CAMPO is comprised of representatives from Wake County, the municipalities in Wake County and <br />NCDOT; and <br />WHEREAS, the MPO is responsible for the development of the azea's long range Transportation Plan and multi-yeaz <br />Transportation Improvement Program; and <br />WHEREAS, the DCHC MPO and CAMPO currently work cooperatively on regional transportation issues; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners was not consulted before the proposed MPO legislation was <br />introduced; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners is concerned that the philosophy and initiatives of the DCHC <br />MPO would be subsumed or diminished in the context of a regional MPO dominated by Raleigh and Wake County; and <br />WHEREAS, SB 1164 would affect project implementation and air quality conformity issues that may negatively impact <br />Orange County. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS THAT; <br />1. The BOARD of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS does S support SB 1164. <br />2. The BOARD OF COUNTY COMMSSIONERS ~ support the concept of regional planning. <br />3. The issue of regional planning and the consolidation of Metropolitan Planning Organizations be referred to a study <br />commission for further analysis and that <br />a. The objectives of the study commission be cleazly stated. <br />b. The consequences (both positive and negative) of SB 1164 or any other related legislation be clearly identified and <br />c. Affected MPOs and local jurisdictions be consulted as part of the study commission process. <br />Adopted, this the 15th day of June 1999 <br />~~-c. <br />Alice M. Gordon, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissions <br />