Orange County NC Website
It has been documented that pregnant women who have periodontal disease maybe as <br /> much as seven times more likely to have a baby that is premature. "Pre-existing gum <br /> disease or gum disease that increases in severity during pregnancy can also increase a <br /> woman's chances of a pre-term or low birth-weight baby. Because gum disease is often <br /> "silent" many women don't know they have it, so a dental evaluation is definitely <br /> encouraged." In addition to providing dental clinical treatment services, the program was <br /> going to educate new mothers about the importance of their oral health and how it is <br /> related to their baby's health, infant oral health prevention for their child, and establishing <br /> early dental homes for families. There also have been studies linking the spread of dental <br /> disease from parent and/or caregiver. In 2005, Orange County had an 8.1 low birth <br /> weight, 8.7 rate of perinatal deaths, 5.1 fetal deaths, 3.5 neonatal (under 28 days) deaths, <br /> 2.9 post neonatal (28 days-1 year) deaths and 6.5 rates of infant (under 1 year) deaths. In <br /> 2004 there were 2.1% of pregnant mothers that received late or no prenatal care. <br /> Standards of Care, recommendations and studies are through the American Dental <br /> Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. <br /> The Smart Start Dental Screening, Education and Referral Program will continue in FY 09- <br /> 10 with grant funds of$33,850 through contract services and a small amount in temporary <br /> personnel. The grant funds were distributed in project codes in the dental budget. <br /> Approximately 1,800 preschool children receive screening and education services <br /> including follow up for identified problems. <br /> The reduction in revenue ($36,687) in the dental program for 09-10 is revenue that would <br /> have been earned by this vacant dental hygienist position. <br /> S-5 * DHS -- Proposal (Provide a brief description of the service change) <br /> Return Funding for Smart Start Dental Screening, Education and Referral Project to Grant <br /> Funds Only <br /> Reallocates only grant resources to dental budget. <br /> Related to S-4 *DHS <br /> • <br /> S-5 * DHS -- Fiscal Impact (This number should correspond to the amount included <br /> on the department's budget request excel spreadsheet) <br /> (0) Return funding of Smart Start Dental Screening, Education and Referral Project to <br /> grant funds only. <br /> S-5 * DHS -- Description — Describe, in detail, the service delivery impact of the <br /> proposed reduction/change. <br /> The Orange County Partnership for Young Children (the local Smart Start agency) has <br /> funded the Preschool Dental Screening and Treatment Project since the early 90s. This <br /> reallocation returns grant funds to line items that have been used to accomplish the grant <br /> outcomes in previous years. These funds are used to conduct only grant authorized <br /> services that include dental screenings and education to children age 0-5 in childcare <br /> facilities in Orange County and follow-up services for those children that were found to <br /> have dental needs. Approximately 1,800 children receive services through this <br /> ( program each year. The program operates with a temporary dental hygienist funded for <br /> $8,200 to provide dental screenings and education to children and education workshops to <br /> 34 <br />