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S-4 Description — Describe, in detail, the service delivery impact of the <br /> proposed reduction/change. <br /> Due to the reduction of this contract, the program will no longer provide one-on- <br /> one counseling with the men in the group and will be limited to the group <br /> sessions. Staff will be reassigned to manage these one-on-one meetings if <br /> possible. <br /> S-5 Proposal (Provide a brief description of the service change) <br /> The Transportation Manager contract with Orange Public Transportation will be <br /> eliminated. The purpose of this contract is to assess the transportation needs of <br /> Work First families and develop individualized transportation plans. It also <br /> includes administration of ROAP funds to assist with car repairs and Wheels for <br /> Work to provide used cars for Work First clients. <br /> S-5 Fiscal Impact (This number should correspond to the amount included <br /> on the department's budget request excel spreadsheet) <br /> ($15,000) <br /> S-5 Description — Describe, in detail, the service delivery impact of the <br /> proposed reduction/change. <br /> Due to the elimination of this contract, the duties described above will be brought <br /> in-house and the funds will be used to continue to assist with the transportation <br /> needs of Work First clients.. There will be a reduction in the effort to solicit and <br /> repair donated cars for low income families. <br /> S-6 Proposal (Provide a brief description of the service change) <br /> The contract with North Carolina Baptist Hospital to provide assessment services <br /> for Work First clients will be added. This service is mandated and funds are <br /> appropriated by the state specifically for this purpose. <br /> S-6 Fiscal Impact (This number should correspond to the amount included <br /> on the department's budget request excel spreadsheet) <br /> $20,000 (These funds are made up of 100% federal TANF money or the required <br /> Maintenance of Effort to receive these funds.) <br /> S-6 Description — Describe, in detail, the service delivery impact of the <br /> proposed reduction/change. <br /> This contract will allow Baptist Hospital to provide work assessment services for <br /> Work First clients. <br /> S-7 Proposal (Provide a brief description of the service change) <br /> There is an increase in contract funds due to the increased amount of supplies <br /> needed to bring other formerly contracted services in-house. This includes <br /> 21 <br />