Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> In December 2008, staff requested reimbursement of PSBF monies from <br /> the State totaling $1,095,278. To date, the State has reimbursed <br /> $717,750 of the request leaving $377,528 unpaid. With regard to Lottery <br /> proceeds, the County has requested reimbursement totaling $2,298,202 <br /> and received $1,286,000 leaving $1,012,202 unpaid by the State. The <br /> State Budget Office is still working through the withholding details. While <br /> there is a possibility the State will pay the outstanding balances, there <br /> appears to be an even stronger possibility the State will choose not to pay <br /> the amounts due the County. • <br /> During the conference call mentioned earlier, the NCACC advised staff to <br /> budget conservatively and not count on Public School Building Fund <br /> monies in fiscal year 2009-10 and possibly beyond. This loss equates to <br /> $1.4 million revenue reduction in the County's General Fund — the <br /> equivalent of about 1 cent on the tax rate. Other rumored withholdings <br /> include E-911 revenues, beer and wine taxes, and "hold harmless" monies <br /> promised to counties as part of the Medicaid Relief/Sales Tax Swap <br /> approved by the General Assembly two years ago. Again, little is known <br /> about the possible withholdings. However, it is not unprecedented for the <br /> State to keep revenues owed to local governments during difficult financial <br /> times. This has occurred on a number of occasions in past years and has <br /> included permanent withholding of intangibles and inventory taxes and <br /> intermittent Public School Building Fund monies. <br /> In addition to the loss of revenues received from the State, the depressed <br /> economy brings decreases in consumer spending and downturns in <br /> construction. At this time, staff projects the losses in sales taxes, <br /> property transfers, and permit related revenues might range between <br /> $1.5 to $2.5 million for fiscal year 2009-10 — the equivalent of 1 to 2 <br /> cents on the tax rate. <br /> Equally important in assessing the fiscal condition are the County's <br /> appropriations. <br /> Appropriation Update - Record numbers of people are experiencing <br /> reductions in work hours and lay-offs. As a result, the County's safety net <br /> departments such as Social Services, Health, and Housing are <br /> experiencing significant increases in requests for services to meet basic <br /> needs of food, housing, utilities, medical care and transportation. These <br /> increased pressures will result in the need for more money to provide our <br /> residents' necessities. <br /> In addition to increased demands for services, new County facilities have <br /> either recently opened or will be coming on line in the upcoming year. <br /> Preliminary cost projections associated with these facilities range from <br /> $2.5 to $3 million. <br /> Since much of the news about potential withholdings is late breaking, staff has <br /> not had adequate time at the publishing of this agenda package to analyze the <br /> full impact of revenue losses and provide as accurate a picture as possible. Staff <br />