Orange County NC Website
Introduction <br /> In fiscal year 2007-2008, the Board of County Commissioners approved $1/432163 in funding to outside <br /> agencies associated with Human Services, Culture and Recreation and Public Safety. By allocating funds to <br /> these outside agencies, Orange County hopes to improve the quality of life for both the clients of these agencies <br /> and the community as a whole. <br /> Orange County and the funded agencies will continue to develop new performance measures and improve upon <br /> those included in this report. It is essential that the County, in cooperation with the agencies, continually assess <br /> the needs of the community. This will ensure the services provided, either solely by the County or in conjunction <br /> with the outside agencies, are responsive to the most urgent needs and issues that face our community. <br /> Readers' Guide to Understanding the Summary of Outside Agencies Funding <br /> The "Summary of Outside Agencies Funding" offers a listing of outside agencies funded through the Human <br /> Services, [�u|tureand Recreation, and PubhoSafety Non-depo� � <br /> Non-departmental accounts 2008-09 <br /> ' <br /> Orange County Annual Operating Budgets. Each agency is listed in column A of the summary. <br /> Columns B and C of the spreadsheet contain agency budget information. For fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09 <br /> the summary includes: • <br /> • Each agency's total budget(based on information subnittedintheagency'syear-endnaporb. <br /> • The County's direct, monetary contribution to each agency, and <br /> • The percentage of the total agency budget that corresponds to the County's direct monetary <br /> contribution. <br /> \ i � Performance ��������y� <br /> Readers' Guide to ��nderstanding ��ach ^������ s <br /> Each agency provided a report that outlined performance measures, outconoee, challenges and new initiatives <br /> (pages G through Q3)� As you uornpanathe agencies hetedon the funding sunnnnaryvviththe agency repons. you <br /> vvi}\�ndrepo�efort following groups of agencies are not provided: <br /> • Agencies that received Orange County funding solely through the Orange-Chatham Justice <br /> Partnership - these agencies include Behavior Skills Counseling, Boomerang, Mental Health <br /> Aosociation. -\ntenoive Services Program (OPC Psych Services) and OPC Clinical Case <br /> Management. <br /> • Defunct Agencies: Family F U Counseling Services ceased its operations on December 31, 2007. <br /> The measures contained in this report are those the agencies provided in their annual report to the County. "N/A" <br /> indicates that data was not reported by the agency in their application for 2007-08 funding, in their year-end report <br /> for 2007-08. or does not apply to that particular measure. At least one measurable outcome from each agency <br /> was requested as part of their year-end report. <br /> 3 <br />