Orange County NC Website
Agency Name: Family Violence Prevention Center <br /> Mission Statement: To prevent and end family violence in our communities through direct services and <br /> community education. <br /> Orange County Outside Agency Funding: 2007-08; $19.400 2008-09: $19.400 <br /> Execubve/Pno0!amnDireotor: Ken Wilson, Interim Executive Director Website: vvvvw.fvpcoc.nrg <br /> MAJOR SERVICES <br /> o Direct services for victims of domestic violence including a 24-hour hoUine, crisis inhsnxandon, safety <br /> planning, support groups, emergency shelter placement, and emergency financial assistance. <br /> * Civil and criminal court advocacy, including assistance obtaining Domestic Violence Protective Orders. <br /> * Community education programs about family violence aimed at prevention and helping victims obtain <br /> assistance. <br /> OUTCOME MEASURES <br /> FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 <br /> Actual Actual Actual Projected <br /> Number of people served through direct 645 635 589 800 <br /> services <br /> Number of services provided to clients 3348 3271 3120 3300 <br /> Number of participants served in weekly 37 37 41 50 <br /> support groups <br /> Number of community education events held 86 55 69 65 <br /> Number of community education events held in 21 29 23 25 <br /> Orange County Schools. <br /> FY 2007-08 OUTCOMES <br /> Proposed Program Objective Status Actual Results <br /> In FY 2007-08. FVPC provided direct <br /> services to 589 clients. To these <br /> c|ients, we provided 3120 services. <br /> This outcome indicates that while <br /> 100Y6 of victims who access services overall we served fewer clients than in <br /> through FVPC will be provided information Meets Expectations the previous yeor, we provided nearly <br /> about resources and options available to the same number of services as in the <br /> them. previous year. 10096 of these clients <br /> were provided with information about <br /> resources and options available to <br /> • them <br /> • We provided 3120 services to 589 <br /> At least 40% of FVPC clients who contact <br /> Meets Expectations clients. This represents an average of <br /> the agency will use at least two services. s services per client. <br /> | \ <br />